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Everything posted by Invisible_man

  1. Bump my boy Mewt. I don't know if he did that simple up top.....Yeah them factories could get it. With paint and bike. That dude Macaskill is the illest.
  2. http://www.pinkbike.com/video/214791/
  3. Guess he's sittin in olive oil marinatin. lol
  4. How's it feel to be a petrified pussy?
  5. YO JFW. Don't even bother. This dude is an anonymous bench warmer who knows everything about everybody, makes up stories, but no one knows who he is. I"m not responding to him anymore. I'm not gonna get mad cuz some toy sayin everyone else is toy. Crooklyn Vet? More like Idaho Vet. This dudes a fraudelant fan and has no idea what he's talkin bout. Stop goin back n forth with him. I'm done with this clown. Say all you want Connecticut Vet. Your a sad case. On 12 all day everyday talkin mad shit. I bet dude writes sugartoes or some shit like that. lol
  6. Wow that gate hasn't gotten buffed. :D
  7. :scrambled: :scrambled: :scrambled:
  8. [ATTACH]166416[/ATTACH] Stare at my tag for a while. See if you can learn somethin. :lol:
  9. And if notice frostedflakes' post......he's the one that said he's gonna serve someone a knuckle sandwich. You're all over the place. Stop doin meth.
  10. How am I has been if I never was? That doesn't make sense. Go back to school if you ever went if the first place.
  11. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That was a good laugh. That Costanza pic is fukn hilarious. Yeah in 6 games! Are you the guy that put us in that Ramada? lmao
  12. Wow. Def was lookin like an ass. Imma bout to pop a Costanza CD in my laptop. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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