I, for one, didn't question, let alone rage about what you do or why you do it. I never have a problem with DC area graff getting shine. You were the one who brought up the need for context over "dumping images in a forum space". Context is great for those who need context. To those who don't need it, attempts at providing context can often come across as patronizing.
As for telling your readers the real truth, that's your job. If you want to get the real truth then reach out to those who can best tell that story, rather than throw something out there and then expect them to find you. This is not about anyone being an expert either. The idea of expert or expertise is usually only relevant to those who come at something from the outside anyway. To those who are involved in this culture expertise is irrelevant.
I can't speak for anyone else but as far as I'm concerned this has nothing to do with Nero. That kid is doing his/her own thing and getting up. That's great, props to that kid!
As for Ennuics, peace indeed. I wish you much success in your chosen endeavor.