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Everything posted by OHH EMM GEE

  1. everybody was kung fu fightin!!
  2. Nothing but a bunch of people brainwashed by swel or just a bunch of toys..
  3. not sure if another toy should be thinking he is any higher then another group of toys maybe if everyone in orlando painted as much as they hated on other upcoming wirters and crews then we might keyword MIGHT have a scene.. was just happy to see some graff in orlando..
  4. hahaha... priceless nahh but seriously you guys should really work on your shit b4 even starting a crew but you started 2 crews and got both the ides from miami crews.. tbc and 22 sadd..
  5. nothing new on the thread..
  6. the tarp is on the econ highway fence across the street from valencia community college
  7. Klumz Lean Been gettin up on eastside
  8. all the flicks are lookin fresh..
  9. lean and klum-z caught it on eastside..
  10. enough talk about religion lets get some more flicks flowin..
  11. Dajam n Bogus lookin fresh as always n thats whats good with Dajam linkin up with slow n typoe shits lookin dope as fuck..
  12. I like the flicks keep them coming.. hahaha Hood n Bash got fucked up..
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