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Everything posted by Oreshatesyou

  1. lookitdat sweet ass prodo. Bless us with the individual shots big dawg.
  2. Big L showing em how it's done.
  3. Rest In Peace. Dude was a fucking king.
  4. bump all that good shit^ Bones and Nova are a duo to be reckoned with fer sure.
  5. So good to see nice shit like this ^ back in that part of NC. and bump Stuk too, that guy is ripping it up right now.
  6. Jerx and Ores are just mean-spirited assholes </3
  7. bump my nigga Oaks. fuck some fake scar
  8. Hayley, you cutting up right now girl.
  9. Neoh and Gripe getting down. Dekoe motherfucking slaughtered that freight.
  10. Shade doesn't even have a peepee to castrate.
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