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Everything posted by EASERR

  1. Baiter with some niceness and Decey still rockin shit. Dont really know where else to post this.
  2. I think my eyeballs just came.
  3. he used chafa in his sentence and magically appears a chafa!! magic, i swear.
  4. those laws are everywhere. Graff kids getting sectenced with longer terms than rapists and murderers. Fuck that. For writing on a god damned wall or whatever it may be...regardless its ridiculous, and for you, Szr, to sit there and say fuck it, he deserved it. You have no idea what it means to have an 8 year sentence handed to you. For tagging a fucking sign...
  5. Saw the video for the prod. Kinda neat.
  6. sounds like something a cop would say.
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