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Posts posted by cmr99si

  1. Look this is already getting old and taking up pages. I will help you in your endeavors http://www.flickr.com/photos/12563377@N00/ thats Mike Gilbert he shoots euro cars usually but at least you can see where he is shooting at. Did you ever think if you really wanted a cool place to take your little pictures you should maybe consult a fucking car forum instead of a graffiti one. There is a conflict of interest here...sure your not trying to bait a writer into helping this poor little 19 year old with that good car money and all that jive? COP or fatty or both...now that you got what you came for leave. You have no reason to being here. This conversation is terminated.


    so you assholes can sit on here and talk shit all day

    you dumb shits have wasted 1000s of pages on bullshit

    but my 5 little posts is too much for you to handle..fuck off

    and the reason why i'm not on a car forum is because they go to the same fucking place over and over

    there is no conflict of interest

    i'm taking pictures of graffiti if my car is in the shot or not is besides the point

    the conflict of interest is all these faggots on here do nothing but talk shit and 90% of them haven't bombed shit

    so just because a girl who has and can and talks shit just as well causes all hell to break loose isn't my fucking problem

    when and if these faggots balls drop, maybe they'll realize that all i was asking was a question

    and since i'm apparently not allowed to without all there bullshit feedback then there gunna get it right back

  2. um, look here bitch, if thats even what you are (and no you are not a women, just a bitch). do you write? fuck your car because it is nothing but a slow ass econobox(dont get me wrong though i drive an import myself). Get off 12oz and get on your job hoe, you got trap to make, and its gettin late, time to clock in bitch. and if your that bad(which is slang for really good looking), post some pictures of your fine ass, id love to see um. And no man is lucky cuz a bitch looked at him, a man is only luck when a rich bitch pays his bills, buy's him shit, lets him put big ass hard dick all in her ass, and then lets him cum in her mouth. quit ego trippin hoe!;)


    lol your funny

    come on over, i'll cut your dick off and shove it up your own ass


    i can't believe all you fuckers are so intimidated by a woman

    the only reason i'm so set in life is because i've heard this shit a million times and all it does is make me laugh

  3. Ok...A few pages ago I even stated I am to lazy to post pics, ya got me oh god. Also this isnt a photography forum but if you wanna post your shit pic you can post it in great photos in the channel zero section. Yeah sure your right " I never touched a can, let alone tag shit" thats my story and Im stickin to that. Your alone and your 19 with this amazing dream job, massive amounts of money and your own house and even a badass honda civic huh, must mean your fat if your single. so what not miss piggy


    yup thats it im the biggest fat ass ever

    and no one said i'm single

    nomatter who your fucking, dating or married to, everything and everyone is conditional, and in the end all you have is youself

    and you are in the "GRAFFITI PHOTOS" section retard. it says so on the top of the page

    so learn to fucking read

    so croak croak kermit


    <3 miss piggy. lmao

  4. no one cares about your stuff in this criminal forum we wouldnt think twice befor writing allover your nice stuff got it but anyways chekout that address i gave you its a hot spot again its 500 5th street seattle wa:D


    are you retarded thats the address for the king county adult detention center of course may writers have been there lol

  5. shut up trick... THIS IS A ART FORUM not a fucking honda forum so why would you post pics. Also that reference was at a girl who was harassing all of the writers at the garages this last sunday. No one cares about your job, money and all that bullshit materialistic garbage you use to make yourself feel whole...leave


    trick huh?

    how cute your jealous

    and i don't give a fuck who your referring too

    you quoted my shit and ran your mouth to the wrong person..thats your problem

    and i'll post whatever the fuck i want..just like you and everybody else

    photography is art

    i could take a picture of a pile of dog shit or your ugly ass face and call it a masterpiece if i like

    and no ones care about you either, so what do you have? NOTHING!!

    cry me a fucking river, everyone is alone is this world..no one cares...blahblahhblahhh

    the only difference between you and me is i've accepted it and i'm happily alone

    you sit on here talking shit to everyone in the fucking PHOTO section, never once have posted a pic of shit, probably never have even touched a can, let alone tag shit


    so ya i agree 12oz and shit talking go hand-in-hand, but if your 12oz is imaginary like mister bullshit up there, then your just a punk bitch



    i'm pretty sure the only oinker on here is you piglet and i'm not talking about 5-0



    Pretty sure this is the broad that was at the garages with a four loko trippin all over the place falling on her face and shit.....smash or trash?


    and even if i did drink, the only one that would be trippin is you when my car smashes all over your trashy ass



    this is suppose to be an art forum not a shit talking forum get a fucking life

    i have a nice car

    a great job

    my own house

    and i can afford my expensive hobbies

    don't hate cuz you'd be lucky if a girl like me even looked at you twice


    and THANK YOU to all of you that actually support my hobby and are helping me

    i'll be posting pictures to show everybody how the new spots worked out


    <3 Crissy

  7. i'm a 19 year old female photographer/tattoo artist with a build 99 civic si

    i'm sick of the same old spots with the same damn people

    the graffiti garage, alki beach..etc is overrated

    can any of you fine fellows help a young lady out finding some fresh spots to photograph my car in the Seattle/Tacoma area


    private message me pictures and street locations

    and maybe you can take me on a personal tour ;)


    <3 Crissy

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