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Everything posted by holdup

  1. Everyone that asks for information that's on a need to know basis. If you don't know then you shouldn't, constable
  2. the arbitrary opinion of task does not amount to dibs possessing any talent whatsoever. Dibs old ass should change his word and stick to doing canvases and refrain from posting them on the internet
  3. more illegal and less interstate/overseas painted murals
  4. still dont get sick of the delvs, inoe etc run up photo and that tape over amzek
  5. bump maybe fires. Tape and diges destroy, end of story
  6. why on earth would you go over that pedocolapawk with that purple green wackness!
  7. the whole 'brazen' bullshit is truly laughable. the man is not a writer and for him to be labeled as one of "WA's most wanted graffiti vandals" by not just The West Australian but by Karl O'Callaghan as well, shows ignorance on the issue from all sides. All the media has done is taken the most unsavory looking character they could muster from transperth footage and try to label this idiot as the face of graffiti in WA. This gives the public the image of this wannabe criminal and instills a notion that what this man represents equates to what graffiti represents. He just simply made every narrow-minded household in WA that lower themselves to watching Today Tonight, shake there fist at his polo hat and hilfiger tee and say to themselves "this is why we need heavier penalties for criminal damage". These are the people that vote and these are the people that write in to newspapers and these are the people that our draconian police force feel the need to install laws and penalties that erode our basic freedom in order to appease. He should of shut his mouth and accepted who he is, nothing more than an idiot that scratches the windows of trains, instead of gloating and basking in his moment to make out as if he is by any stretch of the imagination an actual writer. No-one ever hears if a real writer gets caught, someone that actually has done significant damage to both the streets and the transit system. We dont here about it because firstly they keep there mouth shut as they know what most people know, that there exists a right to remain silent for a reason. Secondly the police dont want the public to know that there exists groups of people who regularly destroy trains and that they mostly are not apprehended. That would make a good headline and pose a question for the imbecile of a man otherwise known as Christian Porter to go along with why an un-armed man was tasered a total of 23 times whilst in police custody. But thats a story for another day
  8. effortless kobane handstylessssssssss
  9. bump reno , some of you have no idea
  10. bump idol bump senor bump slot
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