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Posts posted by BEZERC PROS IMOK

  1. theres nothing wrong if you have both,in fact...... if you can destroy and bring and burn new shit to the table more power to you respect ..... its that motherfucker that scribble scrabble crap all over the place and got no skill whatsoever that bothers me and walks around with a smug self of entitlement ....its like screaming loud but you aint saying nothing ....feel me lackn style and and subject matter.. anyone can go around and deface public property... it aint that hard. its what and how you say it ....breakn piggy banks

  2. the same name thing ......as i remember it yeah at times it came to blows but i also remember dudes would BATTLE for the same name with the end result neither would bend...... i say let the art speak for itself .if you can burn that name harder, motherfuckers will know ...its like fushigi its a skill game ....quality not quanity .......for me anyways ...theres my 2 cents, im broke now ....

  3. ri does have alot of names i lived in prov back then this was when club baby head was around the skate hut ,back when the risdy tunnel didnt even have a fence alot of boston writers used to come through and alot of writers i met went to risdy ......it is a mecca

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