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Everything posted by KEP-ONE

  1. it doest matter that was a thing of the past.....
  2. bump some alak. unik, phone, lyes, el kamino, 2 short, OG shit........
  3. i got a funny story about ENER (RIP)..... we where chilling getting up around town. and we where running to the car and we had to climb a fence to get to it. and it was 3 of us. well we climbed the fence and got in the car sitting ready to go but i hear ENER calling me. im like what the fuck and i look out the window of the car, and i see my boy hanging up side down on the fence. he was hanging upside down by one of his shoe laces..... that was the funnies thing i saw that happened to him.. love and miss him rip ENER.
  4. how did the beef even start with fh and fa?
  5. my question is how did crazy ass meer and his little bro get out of that one?
  6. hahahaha dam ny hahahaha no love..
  7. KEP-ONE


    the only one kep one two three four five izm
  8. KEP-ONE


    theres only one kep one
  9. KEP-ONE


    bump your boy keptoyh
  10. love it there getting mad... dont snitchh....
  11. KEP-ONE


    i am a troll..... too
  12. KEP-ONE


    i guess your right.. my shit is wack... keep doing your little rat trap shit....... that shit is freshh....
  13. KEP-ONE


    and OH, OS and IZM.......... and 305
  14. KEP-ONE


    kep is what i write......add a oh, os and thats me kep one supper juicer .......
  15. KEP-ONE


    your boy has talent i not knocking him for that. but the name is taken.....
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