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  1. new ones dont mind the Bio notes haha:
  2. progressively gettin worse haha they all suck though time for a break
  3. bitten just tryin other styles dont hate
  4. yea i think i've been tryin to do too much to the throw, and crits on how to make it better
  5. tryin to switch up the throwie still blows, crits
  6. XD yea it does look like your old style a bit, didnt realize it myself untill now, also you still need to come chill one weekend up at school
  7. yea throwys are hard...back to the drawing board its not bitten its a simple lol i bet you could find at least ten other people who at one point or another have used all of those simples exactly
  8. thank ya kindly these arent any better just did em in class ten mins ago
  9. some styles i'm workin on fucked it up
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