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Posts posted by SHORTY DVS KREW

  1. FUCK THE POLICE!, the cameras EVERYWHERE in this city, the vandal squad operating under the patriot act, and the buff. keep doing the damn thing!


    except for the crying around about raceizem and slaves - cause everyones been fucked by the goverment, this is some real shit


    this is some ignorant ass bullshit right here... something like 40% of people that live in portland are not 'from" Portland... which is part of why its such a cool place.

    you can have Gresham, but please keep your idiocy out there with you


    Sounds like someones been hanging at saturday market too much, you would understand if you grew up running these streets-putting in work, just to have a bunch of lame fucks come and croud the spot, dont know the history and come disrespecting those who are from here-fuck that shit, I dont care what state or third world country you come from if you dont claim portland as home, rep it and pay your due's, then go back to where ever it is you got chased outta in the fist place. Im just sayin.

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  3. ^no one cares about that. the issue is that he came to town and went over a bunch of portland natives.


    point taken, i understand now, i missed that part, his shit is tight but as far as im conserned if you aint from portland, FUCK YOU! and to come here disrespectin the homie's, that deserves a beat down, so imma ride in the pdx car, fuck pink eyes and any other outta towner that wants to step outta line, bump toer and the rest of the portland homie's!

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