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Everything posted by injenear

  1. That gold Exup is the best for sure, fix the U and spend more time on the fill, and its pretty legit.
  2. Erkh or Erkl? Oh, and bump Crude Oil and Obsoe, bringing that style!
  3. Is that a g or a Y or something? On the reals though, you asked for criticism, here it is. A throw up should be a simple bubbly version of your name(for the most part), with a fill in. Done quickly because you don't have time for a piece. That is not a throw up, I'm sorry. Keep to the books,and remember, google is your friend.
  4. Titties are harder to draw on than most would think, bump for the homie!
  5. You said your 18 right, and in highschool? wouldn't you.. still be living with your parents? :lol: smooothh
  6. bump the fuck outta Nova simples and Bars!
  7. Sometimes you can climb on something nearby to get on the ladder if its low enough. Sometimes people clib up the pole to get to the ladder. Sometimes you can get on your friends shoulder for a boost to the ladder. Sometimes people bring ladders. Most people that do billboards bring a friend, someone to watch. Most billboards that get hit have low ladders, just look around.
  8. get a thinner cap. or spray the can upside down till nothing comes out for a few seconds. it makes the can have lower pressure, aka thinner lines. or google stencil cap tutorial. or barely press on the cap to spray, keep your can half an inch away and move very fast. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://files.sharenator.com/cracks_step_5_The_Ultimate_Graffiti_Guide-s580x435-93495-580.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sharenator.com/The_Ultimate_Graffiti_Guide/cracks_step_5-93495.html&usg=__DrIO20IGWq_jFBjTBdmhwZ6bZME=&h=435&w=580&sz=174&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=v1U8xU44LdLheM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&ei=PHB5TfbuGu680QHNqqyABA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgraffiti%2Bcracks%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D888%26bih%3D402%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=354&vpy=103&dur=14422&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=184&ty=83&oei=PHB5TfbuGu680QHNqqyABA&page=1&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0 hope it helps.
  9. The letter structure on the A is good, just do it alot bigger, space the letters out more and use a thinner cap. Just try and get it clean, do less cutbacks, with more colors and do your cracks thinner, it'll be a dope piece.
  10. make the 0 smooth, with even thickness. if you want to keep the bar style, use 2-4 bars. Gusto in this piece uses 2 bars in his O http://www.bombingscience.com/images/gallery/image_1286331890_8.jpg, take notes but dont bite. also the middle part of the e is too skinny -->3 the part where my arrow is pointing. thicken that up. and with the D, make your bars more distinct. either make your bars angles or smooth, but no in between.
  11. Soup07, try and thicken the vertical bar on the d(on the left), and keep the same thickness in that bar, but you can keep it slanted-ish. the middle part of the S should be smooth like the top part. keep it fluid and even in width. same with the black background in the s,keep it smooth. also add some black to show that the T is a separate letter then the A. those splatters are on point tho, good fill and clean border.
  12. On that parker throw, get rid of the rainbow lookin thing in the A try making the vertical line in the center of the a into a T shape. The last parker straightletter is pretty on point, keep em like that, but erase the bar lines where the fill would be. next time try having the P angled one way, then the A the other direction (just tilted), and the R angled like the P. but keep the exact same letters.
  13. Winer, god damn! Rich Fowl killin it.
  14. UMAD?? :rolleyes: Because of course you know what I write :lol: I could burn you in a second kid. I'm trying to help, so you don't embarrass yourself more than you already have. Shaken20 posted a link to the TOYS SECTION, but you're so retarded you couldn't figure that out I guess... Fuck it, toys will be toys...
  15. Stop repping your own fake "crew" and drawing on notebook paper, please. People will thank you.
  16. sidebusts:rolleyes: Stolen nonsense
  17. Pear, Moms, Sicr fuck yeah
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