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Everything posted by BobbyBrownsGoldRope

  1. These guys need their own thread for sure. I will post up a couple but some of their oldies are hard to find. And yes I am stealing these from flikr.
  2. so you ran out of threads to do self promotion, so you started a thread to throw them into.. good job FAIL
  3. he meows and hisses at me so i gave him his own room...to avoid confrontation...on another note does anyone wanna buy a set of cat skin boots.
  4. I got your nigga's cat holdin it for ransom
  5. damn looks like i should of came to pueblo... machine is rtd and sts not df but paints some burners for sure
  6. sever did a solid black no outline a while ago too. you should do fact checking first
  7. me...i was toying it up. i shake my head at my 05 fliks
  8. jive has been stepping it up for 2010. with the fills and outlines
  9. jive turkey in china. these guys get down... all stolen
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