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dog hat

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  1. That Space5 pannel over the door is fresh.
  2. Npe. Kyev killing it in NDG. http://montreal.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20100805/mtl_graffiti_100805/20100805/?hub=MontrealHome Bump Ses too, in that above picture and in the article.
  3. Who stole you a can? Hopefully Zeus didn't kill Zen out of jealousy. Fuck Zeus! Dudes soft as Huggies.
  4. Jaces, you forgot your Zen comment.
  5. Yo, you heard about Zen? OMG, Zen1 son! WTF, Zen?! Lol, Zen! Did I mention that Zen guy?
  6. That picture made me laugh for a hot minute. INP.
  7. One wing? Reminded me of this; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IBtF0_KQ94 P.s. This is isn't an irrelevant rap video. :)
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