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  1. i dont steal from friends. i dont steal from parties. and the only time iv ever busted into a house was a ghetto assed hotel room we bashed in and i didnt like it. cars? PLENTY. we used to steal mad cars back in the day. stores? REDICULOUS. but shit, that goes without saying.
  2. id say you have strong homosexual tendencies and that your ongoing love of grape juice into your adult years is a sign that you were once raped by an elder grapemaster in a fruit field and forced to endure grapage. grapage is a term used in the 80's for a form of male rape where one man holds another man down and places grapes one by one into the captured mans anus. they then beat the man with grapes lodged into his rectum sensless until the whole grapes in the anal cavity have been broken down to juice. they then squeeze the juice out of the captured mans anus using a large wooden vice grip type tool and gather the juice into small wooden barrels and then fermented for several years until the grapes and bodily fluid turn to Samuel Adams Blackberry Witbier. you need help, and drinking this beer will only contiue to make your horrendous grapage rape haunt you again and again, aswell as a huge possibilty of reoffending the same crime onto someone else.
  3. thats awesome that you were more concerned with marching bands than football growing up. no really.
  4. this one is borderline terrible and posting it beside some of the people that fuck with photoshop on here is rediculous but if i had the right tools this is the type of shit id be pumping out daily but done propper. and id put "12oz." in smaller but same writing above the one nation.
  5. New jack swing makes my skin crawl.
  6. though they will probably be about me for the majority. shit like this will own your internet:
  7. i think im gonna have to get onboard with this photoshop hilarity. yet another example of my 12oz addiction spiraling out of control. prepare to be scorched. nobody is safe.
  8. 12oz's TheoHuxtable = Quincy Jones's son.
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