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Everything posted by (Wovoka)

  1. No Sopcast tonight... any links?
  2. No one can step to him. He needs to move up, thats where the good fights are.
  3. btw. Had Maynard/Edgar a draw. Rd. 1 was 10-8 imo. To bad for Diaz to, another 2 rounds that fight was his. Too little to late though. Vera has 0 ground game.
  4. MMAturf.com Great night of fights.
  5. Grats to Brock on his first sub, but how the hell did that shit get sub of the night? Lytle's arm triangle was a thing of beauty.
  6. Agreed. Non-title fight that gets stopped. Brock's standing still looks like shit imo. If Cain can keep it standing I think he knocks him out. Anyways, great night of fights. Cheers.
  7. He came back and won it? he obviously wasn't finished.
  8. On his arms. He was covering up and kicking him off. Could see it being stopped though. Glad it wasn't.
  9. Fuck, best fight card in a long, long time.
  10. Snoop, Silva, Machida: Anderson on that drink:
  11. This. Chael knows how to hype a fight too. I wasn't interested in this at all but the way he's running his mouth has me interested. No ones come at Anderson like this either. Maybe he'll get in his head. (doubt it.) Chael Sonnen confronted at fan expo:
  12. Better that most cards. Lesnar/Carwin shouldn't go past 2. Wanderlei is no longer a contender. Wasn't too impressed with him vs Bisping but he usaully brings it. Lytle/Brown dont care. Sotiropulous was very exciting vs Joe Daddy. Dont know why he's fighting Pelligrino. Step down for him.
  13. Rampage Jackson talks Rashad, Shogun, new UFC deal (pt 1) Normally I'd take Rampage over Rashad. This shit kinda scares me though. I think losing too forrest fucked his mental. hmmm
  14. I can agree. I like dana, his prefight blogs are cool. He built this sport up. I just think sometimes he lets his ego get in the way, and speaks his mind before he thinks things through. Daley made a bad choice, but he announced it 10 minutes later... BTW I got Page.
  15. WTF is up with Dana White and his knee jerk reactions? I agree something needed too be addressed but for real dudes an ego maniac. Why doesnt he wait too think on shit? He went too Anderson Silva's corner, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BOUT!. He needs too take his time and think about business. Ofcourse, he is a badass and built the sport where it is today.... but do people in business act like this??
  16. Wrestler's that don't know how too finish. Only wrestling I seen recently that I liked was Sonnen. He put in work though and kept up the pace. All his other fights were boring as hell. PS. he Aint beating Silva.
  17. Only way I see this fight going too a decision is if Rashad decides too wrestle. Quintons too strong though, I think he muscles his way back up. Wrestling is killin mma.
  18. Yup, thats what I wanna find out. Already looking past Sonnen and Vitor.
  19. Sooo who has Shogun beating Anderson? I still aint sold on Shogun. He was impressive against Lyoto the second time, but dam look at what he's done in the UFC so far. He lost too Griffin, looked like shit against Coleman, and beat a washed up Chuck for the first title shot. If the old Shogun is really back it will be a sweet fight. Slight edge for Silva on the feet, edge for Shogun on the ground.(or atleast take downs.) Shogun goes too agressive though, I see him getting counter punched. THe eND
  20. So much faggotry. Still funny though /nh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE--q0SXe9k&feature=player_embedded
  21. Wow I had Shogun winning all 5 rounds.... Anyone else? Was looking forward too Anderson vs Shogun too.
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