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Posts posted by TORK!!

  1. Tork funnier than george Lopez or probbally a straigth retard.....


    actually he migth just be 5.0

    Tork funnier than george Lopez or probbally a straigth retard.....


    actually he migth just be 5.0


    not a pig lol ... not even

  2. whoop that nigguh Tork's ass...........oh thats right he only paints in his driveway & treehouse


    im not a NIGGUH im white...wtf u talking bout i paint treehouse and driveway...i dont even have a treehouse.. and wtf did i hit up 2day? thats right a bridge black flillin white outline

  3. KILOZ dont listen to these dudes...keep it up man u got style id say put a shodow on that pink gum hanging over ur piece characters raw and the city... dont do simples do wildsyle till u get really good....that just me tho..on street gotta be on that quick shit them simples ya know? but paper make it happen man whatever ur feeling..


    heres sum i had to do to diss a nigga



    for the info dudes not actually dead lmfao...just to diss em to see what he says when he sees it and all


  4. idk where to post this...if u want me repost it sumwere else get at me.. i guess its sketch since it markers?


    did sum racking 2 day....mask woulda been $30.00



    and copics woulda been $6.50 each plus tax...so 13 markers...woulda been like $87- $90.00



  5. i was just wondering is there any crew out there for recruits? i was just wondering if i could join any..i mean i think its time i do..i get up and all but in my hood i only know a kid that is in coh and i dont think hed take me in...message back if there is a thread for that or anything at all


    random flick for all my blabbing


  6. i was just wondering is there any crew out there for recruits? i was just wondering if i could join any..i mean i think its time i do..i get up and all but in my hood i only know a kid that is in coh and i dont think hed take me in...message back if there is a thread for that or anything at all

  7. ahhh thanks snore never thought of it that way "do straight ass letters then add on to them"


    alright well...i kinda had to do that girls name and shht so im just gona write TORK next time not in the mood to write sum different...if u want go ahead and write my name but fk it if u dont u kno

  8. Hey fathem, good idea writing ur name over and over.....my advice would be to continue that except do some tags and a simple per page....keep both of them so phucking basic that u feel like ur in kindergarden....this will help at first with preportions, positioning and the relationship between the letters in ur name(this is important since its YOUR name)....studying ur tag will help u with ur simples and visa versa but only if u keep it basic....fair warning, this shit gets boring but u gotta understand the basics first so keep at it....the tags u posted would be strait if u didn't bend ur bars, like the top bar of the F pointing down and the connection in ur H from the vertical bar in the middle to the bar on the side should be ghost as well....no doubt that eventually ull be able to understand when things like that r appropriate, but right now they aren't....


    check this...if u look u can see the my letters are space differently and the width of my bars aren't all exactly the same (that's bad)....I don't feel like explaing what a bar is, hopefully u understand or someone else will explain it to u...point is I tried to do it like this PHAT...





    Hope this help


    This is like graffiti school....im not sure this is a good thing





    ahahha!!! my friend tags the same word!!!! u guys should be friends or battle or sumthing lmfao.. so by any chance is ur name alex? bahahahaha of so whatappppp...he does siples with ur style and everything!

  9. start everythign over and throw that book out. all pointless

    u seriously think....that ur gona make me tear it up.. i mean seriously r u kiddning me? ill go ahead and try another one for you but im not tearing that up..ima fill that book up in pieces its gona take forever but in the end you kno how much experience ill have ill be proggressing every few pages in my letter structure so its fine by me..and for some reason i dont know y but when i graff i do pieces..i like throwies and tags and all but when i put that pencil down on the paper i dont stop till its full of ink..


    thanks for the feedback


    i do spray its just that i dont bring a camera wit me to grab flix thats all. and im not 19 wtf i am at a young age i started early bro. i dont do it cuz i see everyone doing it either. i rock it solo not even in a crew or nothin so i dont really be seeing that many ppl tagging. out here its a mess aint nobody be doing this shit...and if they are i most likely know the few of which that do write in my area

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