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  1. graffiti is a way to express your self in any form your style but if you cant right and then go over some ones shit it makes us look bad
  2. level


    gatta love graffiti
  3. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD some of this is messed up but funny
  4. graffiti is not a crime http://media.photobucket.com/image/graffiti%20is%20a%20fun%20crime/Xx-Rezilion/graffiti.jpg
  5. tejas lovin it shits bad ass
  6. Re: Me VS random oontzer VOl 1. wtf is this about ha
  7. dont get got keep your mouth shut:scrambled:
  8. art is a way to express yourself i love it
  9. drugs are fucking retarted how bout this dont do them
  10. go at night make sure no one is wathing find a place were people cant see you wait till it leaves:scrambled:
  11. dont go around cop shops because they never close if you go around trains be careful bombing on trucks wait till the place is closed hop the fence or whatever and yeah just hit up spots that people can see
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