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Everything posted by toldyouso

  1. all you gotta do is hop the back door of the 49 or 14. even the 24 or the 22. shit aint changed. its grimey and ink stained to this day.
  2. nevermind all the lsd techno emo music and drugs all around that lead you to think writing your name on shit is the best thing ever. shit niggah.......ask me if i give a fuck.... im trynna flip 120 racks by next year.
  3. man you know me allready. i just didnt respond to see if you could figure it out........ respect homie.
  4. my point was...... that tight pants wearing metal heads from nyc in the 80s had a large part to do with the creation of subway graffiti. before i wrote "hip hop graffiti" i was spraypaintin skate and metal band logos.....then i got in to hip hop. but by hip hop i mean inner city kids that wasnt white doing hood shit. hip hop came from the projects and while its label has been billions of profits for rich white devil ceos...... id rather throw floor rocks than blows, id rather spit a rhyme to clown you than argue, the way my fingers move the record your girl jocks on her clit, and i got aight writing styles to. bus hopping and peicing is fun. fuck it. i was a bboy in 85 over seas. i got somthing to say about hip hop. i prefer hood hop these days. hip hop was relief to people in struggle when it was created. im drinking and bored.
  5. what your girl said was its hella wack i made her cum 5 times more than you. now she dont like fucking you no more. hella wack. just playen.
  6. now thats hip hop. cause what i heard says that old school subway kings soundtrack was black sabbath and such..... so since hip hop included writing as the "written word" whatever writers choose is therefore hip hop. its the writing that makes you hip hop. not the style or music.
  7. i started wearing tight pants and listening to metal in 87. started spray painting shit around that time to.
  8. gettin my relax on. my first tagging high as fuck skipping curfew soundtrack was the disintigration by the cure. which is what i bump when i roll the majority of the 14 line high as fuck. no diss Neves..... close to two decades and jails deep in getting up......was never really bout banging but fun yo. chill. im drunk.
  9. if thats the Jero Kools old school LA ICR..... i doubt homie wants beef with you. look. i talked with my boy today from *** *** *** and *** who writes *********........ dont you remember 95? if thats ICR from LA and your BTM 3A..... why the fuck you calling out him here. you wasnt at the bbq today to get his number. no diss to you.
  10. since some fools be wearing tight ass pants and jocking styles like they were metal in 82... can we flash back to the days of San Francisco writing with no internet bullshit. for real. you the types that be text messging builshit threats. cause if you had a real threat you would know there was gps signal with a time and date and and a name and address for the phone or ip account holder. you niggahs is dumb. and im guessing and just saying.......chances are..... you mostly some white ass toy niggas. get off the court evidence with your thugging. it just plays you out. how you gonna be in jail and really be real..... "well the da wouldnt of had a case but is was the this text message i sent that they subpeoned." wantabes. edit......no diss to any heads that are pre internet.
  11. city bus hopping is the dopest shit next philly ny and la. i seen the block and got my chicken with all these youngsters just chillen all good. hopped lines and the backs was crushed yo. it was like a real version of subway art. brought me back to when i seen my first crushed muni inside after writing for a year in 92. shits ill. so i been hoppin lines cause im caught in the struggle and dont got no whip. yeah lifes a bitch. but panels are inkstained and and theres mad stickers and the drivers are cool with the transfers. but since im old and poor for the most part i got nothing better to do than tell you how riding the bus with a blunt and beer fade after kicking it with homies uptown and getting home safe in a inkstained bus was real times yo. highlight of my day.
  12. my bad for getting my ethug on. i aint out front of no ones house cause im lazy like that.
  13. fuck that shit yo. i was out hungover as fuck today. what did i see? some bitch cops fucking with a cat that looked like me so i got all spooked. fuck bart cops. out front your moms house with your karma is how i roll. fuck with that. post flicks.
  14. really? involutary manslaughter? for real? fuck those white ass crackers. that pussy bitch cop pulled his gun and shot him face down while restrained. ehhhhhhhhhhh..... the fuck man. thats some scary shit.
  15. tdf was on them 14 and 24s.
  16. sup with them amck's and tak's.
  17. god bless the 415 510 408 707 925 858 get yo name up.
  18. when i was younger and toy i used to put up those dots. then i met a writer who was like "so do you gangbang to?" he was jumped into JT13 which is pretty much no joke. they got their rep by showing up at fools doors and cappin fools in the head. no joke. jackson terrorists are not to be fucked with. some other 13s got a hit on him for beating some fool into a coma after kicking in the door of his moms house and beating him in front of his mom on mothers day. thats what he said. he stabbed some fool six times to. now hes in the pen. and on the flip side i painted houses with an OG Norteno. second striker with six kids from Broderick Boys. so putting those dots up is just asking to be fucked with. cause 13 and 14 will both fuck you up if you aint bout it bout it. anyway......sorry i dont got no flicks. increase the peace. time to end the war homies. my fams gangsters from the east coast. prison is wack. edit...... the last thing you want from throwing up those dots is 13 seconds in the shower.
  19. props to ba joker cons jase are2 felon arek... rootin for the home team all star gator. word yo. respect.
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