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Everything posted by tj.

  1. sorry for the huge post
  2. fuck yeah nice post 'touche'
  3. man the quality of these sketches is unreal
  4. about two years ago was walking with a few mates to do a production on this wall and crossed through maccas and as we're leaving about 20 guys run up behind us and punch me into a spikey ass bush, we finally got out of there and got to the wall. the ground was covered in some kinda animal crap and got my shoes dirty as fuck. after painting we started walking to this new spot and i step in a puddle with shit covered shoes, scratched up face and a fat lip ... pretty bad night
  5. siteronerism that is bloody excellent, i love the black and white sketches
  6. went through the city yesterday and got some pics, post em soon
  7. document it all, i go out of my way to search for graffiti and street art in my city thats especially not done by me to get influence and grasp my cities style. plus i want it to remember the glory days when im old and mouldy. after reading this i think im going to get another hardrive
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