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Posts posted by cheesburger

  1. tour go kill your self


    pussy stank ass nigga. go suck some dick vigina. go kill your self you no life having jit! trynna fucks with the wrong people miget. we got eons and trions years on you pussy cake bannana boat fake ass writer.


    try your luck puss boy.

  2. yall getting mad over what some jit said. come on be real, what it tien or tsk as a matter fact is going to be? this shit is sad this thread used to have everything and now not even the real writers want to get on it. niggas that are talking need to take a break from 12oz.

  3. damm ma negga ater goin at me like this..... if u remember

    dat trizm throwy was diss by two toy's Also and Joc which i

    did my piece on top just for the spot and cuz it was allready dissed

    and againg if ya dont belive dat well i did a piece over a throw up

    if you wana go by graff rules..not for beef just for the spot....

    and there was a hove trow under him which if u remember you diised...


    that was feo. nigga this isn;t my problem nor is it anyone else's on this thread.

  4. Look at Jacksonville, Tampa, and Tallahassee . some might say Orlando's graff scene is better than all three combined. Also factor in how much money Orlando brings in as far as tourism goes. We will always be buffed quicker than the next place. If you know where to look, you'll find it.

    But its when we have writers come in the thread saying shit like you just did that gives our city a shitty rep. Your a tourist, no one is trying to impress you. Tourist.

    Orlando graff isn't dead, its just really slow...


    for once i agree with semor.

  5. yall gotta pm each other. this is sad as fuck, and seeb if your shit is new orleans why are posting it in the orlando thread? and of147 you gotta let seeb alone, we all know he's toy he just talks his shit. that's what a toy is.

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