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Posts posted by metrik1

  1. Hey everyone, I've been lurking these forums for years now but never really bothered to post though I think its time that changed a bit. Always nice to get insight on your work from those who would be able to appreciate it most. I write Ocd (usually spelled out phonetically as Oside) but a lot of people know me as metrik as well, so i tend to float between the two names depending on the situation. I normally do figurative work, characters being my first love, but letterforms constantly intrigue me and offer a fallback for when the ideas just arent flowing. Anyways, heres some of my more recent stuff -



    And heres a couple collabs in progress with my friend and brethren Ohde, though i mostly did the characters on them. If youre interested in my characters definitely check out my flickr.


    (I did the E)



    more to come soon,


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