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Posts posted by 2-C+C-2

  1. i dont know exactly what you mean


    Conviently enough, Ether said is best


    However, now a lot of writers who have no background painting such surfaces, feel compelled to paint them.

    Many writers feel obligated to legitimize themselves within the “graffiti scene” by painting trains. These writers often rely on other people to take them to paint these trains. It’s one thing to be chaperoned to

    spots, paint some panels, and send the photos to magazines or post them on the Internet. However, it is

    an entirely different beast to dedicate your whole career to transit. To do the homework, to learn the ins

    and outs of spots yourself, to memorize schedules and timetables and patterns. I learned to paint steel by

    my self by applying these fundamentals. Subsequently, it always makes me skeptical of a writer who doesn’t

    paint their native system or if they don’t have one, but will travel to other cities to paint transit. I always

    wondered how people could go to other cities and represent on those systems, when they can’t even

    represent on the trains of “their city”. People have all sorts of excuses (ie: too difficult, too heated, etc.),

    but what it comes down to is some writers just aren’t built for it. Which is fine. I just honestly don’t see

    the point of painting transit if you’re not gonna be 100% dedicated to all aspects of it. When i see photos

    of panels by writers who are just trying to ride on the “transit trend” I am not impressed. I have no respect

    for panels like that. I have more respect for people who do there own thing instead of those who do something

    to be a part of the latest fad. I am more impressed by a dope freight by a freight writer, or a throw-up in a

    crazy spot by a bomber, than I am by some mediocre panel by either.


    Dude fits the bill to a T

  2. are u for real, Revok doing sum galvs down under, good shit


    Are you kidding me? That train is probably still sitting there, fresh paint, Revok is a joke in the clean train world, why do shit if you cant put it on the internet the day you paint it, go paint some shit solo instead of with some locals.

  3. THE REASON SO MANY EURO'S COME BACK WITH MAD subway FLIX AFTER leaving the states, is because it is easy to paint in the America's. its not all burnt up with systems ranging from south America, to Canada, typically all these systems are relatively easy to get over, . those wyse flix were benched by a CTA worker that is a graff enthusiast that's the story we got....we believe it.


    Well, that "cta worker" left his bag of paint in one of the photos. If a cta worker was a graffiti enthusiast, we would see much more than 2 wyses pop up on the internet. No one but an ignorant fool trying to cover up the fact that he wanted his panels posted on teh internet would believe that



    Comparing any country to any other country is ludicrous, the mentalities are different, the systems are different, the drive to paint is different. So just stop

  4. you wouldn't say that to the softest dude's face, back then or now.;)

    but I guess on the internet any sucker can talk smack.


    If you don't like the thread....scroll click to the next.


    Back then I would not have to because this stuff would be current

    Now, I would. Dont get me wrong, I think this stuff has a place, but Im tired of seeing it, every year there is a new book about New York graffiti when graffiti started. Then there is this thread, that at the time was stickied at the top and was blam, right in my face. I'm tired of seeing it, and hearing about it. There is still good stuff from this era, that will be good always, but most of the stuff is not. One man's opinion though. I'd rather see current NYC cleans

  5. yeah .



    No body listen to this guy. He has a green name, and thats the only thing he is 100% sure about, he has not been painting long, knows nothing about freights, and will only hurt you in the long run. Posts on 12oz do not equal freight knowledge.

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