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  1. Did Bob do that widow? Funny that yours and mine are back to back here.
  2. Knee cap was worse, but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
  3. Got this from Bryan Randolph at Spider Murphy's yesterday: Side/into the back of the knee isn't quite as fun as it sounds, but not so horrible. Feels worse today.
  4. I got tattooed by one of those guys for $100. Just sayin'.
  5. Katie Sellergren is does BEST LETTER bro. She's doing a guest spot at Black Heart in June and moving to Black Heart in October.
  6. Shoulda gotten Young Einstein. I'll admit two things: 1) I'm trying to hate, and 2) that's a good scientist tat.
  7. Even among Anil's non-micro-tats, I've yet to see anything that I like. Post gems if you're holdin'.
  8. Nah, I don't take any of this personally. It's a good convo, and you make some valid points. When I said that the former has been getting tattooed for a long time, I was referencing the fact that Anal (sic) tattooed for almost 20 years without having any tattoos himself. I think that's extra fucked. He was at a convention in 2001 and Jack Rudy basically shamed him into getting something. In Gupta's own words: So he got gangbanged by four world-class artists--and what did he get? Earth, air, fire and water ON HIS THIGH. How fucking softhands is that shit? So I'll just close with "Fuck Anil Gupta and his one large-ish tattoo, as well."
  9. Well, there are lots of differences between Grillo and Gupta, namely that the former has been getting tattooed for a long time. Ben also stipples his tiny tattoos so that they'll hold up a LITTLE longer. And his micro tats aren't douchey shit like The Scream or Mona Lisa stamps. Then again, Ben doesn't have a tribe-tastic logo.
  10. Burk and Fink are two of my favorites. Super fucking stellar shit on a consistent basis. If you see Seeks in a fight with a bear, don't help Seeks--help the bear! Although I have to say that you sound dangerously close to one of those "OMG wut r u gonna do when ur 80?" people right now. Yes, you should think about the future when you're getting tattooed, but they're to be enjoyed now. I have a few little Ben Grillo tats. They might not look perfect in 30 years, but 3.5 years in and they look great and I enjoy them a lot.
  11. She's moving to SF to work at Black Heart this fall. Makes me wish I needed some words on me. I've already referred a few people to her.
  12. His theories are a huge bummer, but his tattoos are pretty rad.
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