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Fat Elephant

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Everything posted by Fat Elephant

  1. To pay homage and respect to graffiti roots, and saluting classic writers is one thing, and is due, without question, because without these guys it would not be what it is today. But seriously, let sleeping dogs lie... let the work from the 80's stay classic. I don't deny that they are worthy of acclaimation, but recreating pieces is a load of shit. Instead, why not pull out your sketch book and design something for nowadays that could be considered "classic" in 20 years time, just like those guys did back then, making it "classic" for us now. Do something orginal - what the root of graffiti is supposed to be!! And to make the call about using Vaughn Bode charos is just plain ignorant... it is completely irrelevant to the arguement and point being conveyed.
  2. WHY???? That's worse than biting?! I don't understand the point of recreating a classic piece, graffiti is about evolution. Whoever has done these, regardless, unless the original artists, should be shot! Albeit classic as these pieces were/are, these replicas are like shitty cheap, repressed vinyl 20 years after the original, classic press
  3. when i die, this would be my version of heaven, armed with unlimited paint...
  4. I give props to Smash137 for keeping a balance between pushing it further in terms of letter form and style, but still keeping it real dope and funky, plus giving these netch guys something to bite hard into... which some have already been called on. I think the biggest problem with this whole netch bullshit way of painting is companies like Ironwak throwing all this paint at dudes to try and ride their product on it, and these artists having way too much free paint at their finger tips so all we see on the wall is a brainfart cause they have no idea how to paint rationally, so it all comes out at once. Perfect example of what i'm getting at, in terms of writer intergrity (or lack there of...) Ironwak sponsor netch artists, like Sofles... Askew... Vans... etc The result... how many fucking fill-types and colours can we cram into one space and create wall diahrrea?? Molotow sponsor MadC... The result.... a fucking amazing wall, still keeping all the fundamental and crucial aspects together of graffiti... style, characters, detail, fills, background, theme!, and she single handedly burns out the 700 wall that she's currently working on. Now i personally find MUCH more inspiration in what MadC is doing than seeing some plethora of spectrum on a wall. What is the need to use every single colour in the book cause its there? The result looks great on an artistic level, but as far as graffiti goes no.
  5. Case in point. There's nothing burning about this example at all. Very basic letters that could be anyone really, and could be easily slapped up in 5 minutes. You cant look at the letters and say "yes, that's uniquely Sofles" by any stretch and there's really not that much to them to be honest. Bad example to try and justify the guy having good letter form.
  6. As far as artistic merit goes, Sofles is amazing. As far as letter form goes, when you strip back all the currently fashionable trend and distraction of using as many colours and fill techniques as humanly possible in each piece, because you're flowed paint on tap from a shithouse paint company that would be better off producing silly-string, you can clearly see that the fundamental, most crucial, element of graffiti is completely missing - letter style. There is none! If you break down the letters, you're left with nothing more than a basic throwup, if that, bubble letters. I really hope this trend dies off sooner than the regular 5 year cycle that seems to follow trends in graffiti. This netch trend is fucking crap! Now, before you whinge and jump down my throat, this is no personal diss to Sofles, just as a graffiti purist, and someone who has been writing for the last 21 years, i'm all for forward thinking and pushing the envelope, but slapping up a loose bubble letter, filling in with 40,000 fill techniques, then blasting out highlights with a fatcap and covering up a major section with it acts just merely as a distraction. Like i said before, i think Sofles artistically is incredible. As far as traditional graffiti goes, i cant stand it! Sorry mate
  7. Has anyone got a front on join of the whole alphabet wall by Shem?
  8. R.I.P. to all fallen Australian writers... R.I.P. to those fallen from Adelaide... Soda HAC Minus SIA Forse SMV Probs SAP Sort 73A please add to the list if there is anyone i have not mentioned.
  9. Darco FBI on the Dare tribute above, uncapped... fresh piece
  10. It's the way Darco rolls... he paints his piece gets his own flik, then caps himself to eliminate the chance of anyone capping it themself or biting his gear. looks like the guy top right of him has done the same. If anyone has the prody before it was capped, can you please post it! Keen to see the Darco piece!!
  11. I'm with Kes on that one. That Dvate is fresh! Shem rippin' it up aswell
  12. That's some incredible rendering....so clean, and that flamingo is incredible
  13. That's a fucking incredible production!
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