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Everything posted by buckbang

  1. stopped by the gayrages this is what was around.
  2. i would rather find a spot someone didnt already get.go next to em if possible, if try to atleast cover em all the way.if i think a person is credable that whole piece over a throw bullshit is out the window for me in illegal spots..it is what it is every one is entitled to think or feel what they want about what we do.i by no means think my theory on shit is perfect or not flawed but i have always tryed my best to stay off of others work and spots.part of it is bumpin heads once inawhile if it keeps happening bump dudes head with your fist.a good ol fashion ass whoopin in some cases solves issues.
  3. my man dk handtyles are hood the throw looks o.g.
  4. ran across a pic of ol boy i knocked out..any one remember ol danzig?
  5. i will bring soda and some meat from peaks deli...
  6. who really gives a shit though....whos keepin count?
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