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Everything posted by DESTROY & DESTROY

  1. .:rolleyes: ..he had one of those 50 cent sodas on him all the time in the late 90's...i remember them looking at the label and loving the name.......not from "doing islands".. i love how dudes are quick to comment when they don't even KNOW...YOU hilarious
  2. themo..sace...one high,one low..same lot..10 feet apart....these have been running for YEARS and YEARS.... you know that soda "tropical fantasy"...sace had that tattooed on his arm...he loved that shit
  3. those colors are great, and no slow pressure can/cap shit...pure talent
  4. that's all some people have to contribute unfortunatly.....
  5. dude was right there are cheerleaders on here,and since your the only one who responded to our posts..congradulations..now get back under the bleachers and suck that dick..bitch..
  6. ^very original...get back to the graff on girls thread that's more your mentality..
  7. ..If u publicly put it out there that dash is getting reconition and being shown respect b/c he had some kind of financial backing then yes i'm going to publicly let people know your wrong other wise they might think the same....period..as for cheerleaders i didn't hear anyone take anybody's side so whatevzzzz...your not pming me w/ your you got it wrong dude shit so i guess were both not being a man.(according to you).ouch i'm hurt and i am not a man b/c i am standing up for a great friend and one hell of a writer who has inspired countless people... SO HERE'S THE FINAL RESULT...... 1. mathew is not a man 2. themo is a man and most important 3. FUCKING BIG SACER R.I.P as far as i am concerned this is done....you win...head out for some ice cream.
  9. your really boring ya know.....and fuck being a king and all that royal bullshit ..your trying to put it out there that dash was important b/c of some financial backing..did you not?and just because you say no disrespect but..does not mean it's not disrespectful..and you know its disrespectful or you wouldn't of started out by saying no disrespect but...... so go back to your blunt and your bigmac or whatever the fuck you do..i don't care,just like you don't care what i do..and my mom named me mathew..yours named you themo? whatever..and don't give me that puffed up chest pm me shit..boring ya know?..and i didn't say you were a redneck,i was talking about writers that don't paint in high profile,high public spots..if you identified w/ that then thats on you....ANYWAY...more photos less bullshit from all(me included)...peace in nj..life is fucking short..go hard
  10. on that note the memorial will be at deitch gallery on grand street nyc till aug.15th..opens tonight....thanks everyone who brought by photos and drawings.....
  11. seriously..dude bombs hard and is coming along and deserves a positive word....this is not a contest so everyone chill
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