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Crocodile Tears

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Everything posted by Crocodile Tears

  1. bump the fuck out of this i havent seen this piece since i was sperm
  2. should have finished that one. :( :( :(
  3. i just watched coming to america. i must have seen that movie 10x... but i bugged out this time because i noticed about a dozen saint tmr tags when they are in the subway scene on the E train. just thought i would share that before i left the crib if anyone cares.
  4. thats a texas instruments machine ^^^^
  5. hell yeah how did i miss this one ^^^ bizump
  6. party on my roof deck lol
  7. BUMP!! fuckin revs throwup...... rare as a don mattingly rookie card. anyone got connectors of the SOCIETY 2000 they did in the middle of freedom tunnel :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. these kids paint with invisible ink? cause i aint ever seen any of them up
  9. pictures of marker tags are dope. NOT
  10. one post fake names are the equivalent to having a vagina where your penis n balls are suppose to be.
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