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Crocodile Tears

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Everything posted by Crocodile Tears

  1. Fucking nyc thread killed by instagram RIP 1/11/13
  2. It's the second one I bought. Some piece of shit stole the last one out of the trunk of my car, when I parked it in a lot. Currently suing said lot.
  3. http://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZit_1T0QA_1xdo2-YlbPoyIEcEpzdX18xbL6RrfXelxCwM_1J3mWksHD0bYlBOOnrthD7PVT8mfkrUhBB2rQlqoRsXc_1TYzobnFzpEqBM0w08K32SnCuDh3JTHlN7ytCiJr1L5515IrRgg88wUM85KqEVRPvqaZi8_1DEpoP1ycx8qPzGfD7fMi6LHRrX_1x9Krc-0tyGsmoElPbNohyG1cBjjMY3_1UYMllQXqMqwbR8NoaGZXHAxRIVEnF-8MUdTPAhrn9J1UhFLi-iVz27sI_1osQs6YGe4ZIr0u0bJhsuy7sTkUw4wPef1wuhpao7dWQW2FzE1bAIO8M8i1z3OvSWn25BNYx15J5PPwdatCZhJbzhDw4CaPoZvgSypz-NrE93OjAOkImzrUj7nbsg6OkOgTtCDEhAXDpKHfbHggDkiUUIAghVlU7yv54Yc8ebM1t6u5iUYsr3_1-4OpUNU4-FNqqGyHcxmSnlWhxPETCVTviUxKMHOlayTy_1y0CYqIQWQVG246GxOdh44nnfjqWONUiNAVG22TRxWfnxkK-OYmevvqupl-hjZRex5_1kQ6BD6PoRkCQMWnruNawPRG5iVrD5FMrDifNxkJYe-u0m0hs6cQmurMYI2xw1pDD05hVH6vRNWix96mUYOjc704yigQ7gFmhN8GPyj4MQWpysBSvO9n1ZtCrc8rCVWgzm3D6jDazRy65Vjm_1xld1tH3LMfktSkm6WjnY-ZCFCNYGo-ttxf6u2gMQfbGsYlxYYo1IEfZuBkreUkh7SvHM_1lbCmRTA4RyFhS-XUkCQQjekOzSqN7y9vO9_1T9LJjdqDNWA-wy7uerD-93DwITCIOdx8YB8qeTw9opQFN5hKZjEpC_1zuJUpjc5P408mmVPbPVnM_1dKcSkxx7fd834jkCDQ0kr7f9VXni1URcv7T5-TX3sEZyP8Xw29T2wo8AkvUled_1oOMW70nCcC_1_1mIeyzadenarv3WWUgT-y0putB-HVjuuAGohAE9MRJPqZVT3Hz_1g6mShwe2xSAVaxKkCjMXUZRRWM0iiKtwP5f1CsXHIm81siHJ-oYRdd2xMsbCN_1cC-ngUzCr3YV7Lr3K830plDCoiANiqXT4SocsEILynvpdmChtY7MisEyai9PY2VqEV0D-DP-JMvr260p31DnmKGBDpdlym3QIoEXI29Y2IBZRQffyg9f2TVdlBH4VGPPzzlKCICh7WgwGYBcviPYSdEd1N_1M0gjoUNVlq5dVF3A0H9_1olETC8WFJZVfDww5j3RvH_1YQK8pdCGhxNoIN6S4uIZfEVs28cDVfUfxAutU1pyEOIWOaUZgLsYKye9Y&btnG=Search%20by%20image&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=safari&sa=N&tbo=d&rls=en&biw=1439&bih=780 Alexis Breeze
  4. Kid panama! And I'm not a huge fan of old school lettering, not that it doesn't have its place and i get it. Fucking duster skeme dondi fall into another genre IMO.. BUT that Kashmire and what is represents is fucking amazing.
  5. That tan bitch to the right of nitro would get it. Yep.
  6. Merica. Edit* I should have posted this in the 90's thread.
  7. Every time I see this piece I always think, "how much more can you pwn graffiti". gaze was so ahead of his time he quit before anyone could come within years of catching up.
  8. Shoot me in a dream, better wake up an apologize.
  9. The face on this watch is relatively big, nh I have thick wrists so its about time, again double nh nh. But its relatively inexpensive and I think its a sharp piece, with a classic not too douchy look. Sophisticated enough to be subtle and classy at the same time. http://www.citizenwatch.com/en-us?s=BM8475-00f
  10. Idiot. If you just did your thing and kept to yourself I wouldn't have an opinion, actually I would just say you're wack and keep it moving. But since you're in my face promoting your own mexican gang scribble style toy shit I will just nega-prop the shit out of you, and keep you red.
  11. MATT WEBER!!! awesome photographer. "This was worth every penny"
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