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Crocodile Tears

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Everything posted by Crocodile Tears

  1. when i saw the office supply xwing
  2. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i accidentally did a slow scroll on cake hand.
  3. Shoop shoop ba-doop Shoop ba-doop Shoop ba-doop ba-doop ba-doop Shoop ba-doop Shoop ba-doop Shoop ba-doop ba-doop ba-doop
  4. pubic dao beard just ruined my sunday. and also my ice cream sunday.
  5. that whole building are ja floaters shopped from a a 1/9 train
  6. i would guess jerz too. the SI dock for the ferry is way east of the statue, the angle is west of the statue and looks closer to jersey city.
  7. i took this pic in a friends neighbors yard, it seemed appropriate.
  8. "nom de plume" *edit i havent contrubooted here in a while. and just to offset it, im gonna take my camera out today. hows ya like them apples.
  9. nope. looks like we're going to have to amputate.
  10. propxed. *edit. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to watson again.
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