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Everything posted by ‹(•¿•)›

  1. Nah maing... vc crew. vicious cartel, vandalism city, very cool, vendome crooks, varsity club, violence and cocaine, viet cong, vaporizing concrete, vulcanic convulsions and many more.
  2. Wicked.... Maysr with the upgrade. too bad it was done with shit head over there
  3. scan, smak and morz... where did all my paint go? lol
  4. by the way its not hate. its collective disgust. keep those hater comments for toys dissin heavies. and yes im taking about you chi chi man lover.
  5. A crew that wont even defend a one man cross out campaign on dem are Damn Heartless Suckazzz. theres winners and losers in this world.... ill let you guys finish the sentence. now lets move on to graffiti. you know, the kind that was built on respect and wise politics.
  6. wow. those cock sucking things are sitting on 20" rims. now thats a waste of taxpayer money
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