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Posts posted by Nightscrawler

  1. Same Shit, Different Day...


    Anyone remember me? It's been far too long...

    Alts has certainly improved, but I've gotta look through more of this thread to check everyone else out. Shaken looks the same as when I left though...

  2. and on another note, if your thinking of buying smash ink.... dont buy CLOCKWORK ORANGE. IT FUCKING SUCKS. 1, its paint. 2, its thick and streaky. 3, not a good thick, like even if you put it in a mop and dump that shit all over the place it will still streak at the top... so gay. I have heard good things about all the other colors tho lol.

  3. make the N's right bar a little bit longer

    move the O over a little to the left and up, loose the bottom bit

    make the T a little taller to go over the O and make the bend in the main bar a little less harsh

    add color



  4. Re: Maine Funk


    ALL of esko's work isnt on legals, ive seen a couple other pieces, just usually in secluded places where he has time to do his thing... which is to be neat and clean

  5. Re: Maine Funk


    Nega-propping wont actually ban someone, it just makes it look like it will... the mods do take note tho, and might ban them if they feel like it.


    besides, they could just make another account... you cant really win lol

  6. Re: Maine Funk


    I agree, as disappointed as I am that there aren't many non-toy illegals done, it is better than getting people locked up. I am relatively new here though, still trying to get a feel for the state of the state, yknow? Guess i'll just have to get off my ass and do some social networking sometime, learn some shit...

  7. Re: Maine Funk




    Its true though, we do need some more illegals done... i know maine's all about quality over quantity, but it would be nice to see some more graffiti, not just spraypainted walls. Nahmeen?

  8. Re: Maine Funk


    In a good way or a bad way?


    But word is there are a couple newjacks out there lookin to paint some walls, so they might bring somethin fresh to the table this summer... ya never know

  9. Wassup guys, making my monthly post here lol. Heres the stuff I can find right now, i have more but not with me at the moment...


    But while im posting, i might as well add that http://www.troutartsupply.com has these dope female NY fat +skinny caps in stock, for use with the new variable-pressure rusto cans. freakin awesome. i just ordered a ton o shit from them, like 300 caps and some markers. good prices too. Also I know that there are some new england heads that post here, pm me if you wanna go paint sometime.







  10. i totally agree with that statement, some people in here really shouldn't be giving others crits. We really need the old days of experienced writers giving cronstructive crits, not shitty kids saying "ahh dood brahhhhhh nice tagg brahhhhhh the arrows really set it offff brahhhh!"

    I kinda hate it when these kids tell the other kids that their stuff is good when its not, and telling em its bad cuz they dont like em... but whatever. im realllly sleepy tired sick rigt now...

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