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Posts posted by Impaler2k9

  1. When is the East coast gonna come out to the West and do some real damage? Cats from LA, San Fran, Seattle, Houston, Europe come to your city and crush and destroy...Yall just local bombers? Save up and get a plane ticket out West and expand your ups...being " all City" ain't shit to All World Bombers/Writers..Step up your game Niggas!

  2. Re: Don't Call it Frisco


    Some People just don't get it....It's not about Fame and Spots only...It's about Respect. These kids got it all twisted...Need to pay dues...just cause you up doesn't mean you're respected by other crews and writers. That's another problem..SF is filled with alot of toys trying to make names for themselves...Flooded the market with Alot of writers with no style, heart or backbone. Hit up and hide is what they do best!

  3. Re: Don't Call it Frisco


    The Graff Rules that were GP and Respected are not enforced these days..Some cats just don't give a fuck! And Nobody is stepping in to keep toys and hacks in check...The graff game has become like hiphop n the drug game...Cut Throat.

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