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Richard Dunn

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Everything posted by Richard Dunn

  2. fuck ice cream custard. bitch.
  3. i would use it as another place to talk shit online!
  4. go eat at the riverfront market. worth going for the smell alone there is cool shit to do but you prolly need to be in touch with locals to know about it
  5. ..................c'mon son................ chomp chomp chomp
  6. yall leave the homie slurps alone, he's just tryin to finish an investigation and yall giving him shit isn't helping him get it done any faster
  7. the patties taste like breakfast sausages i was disgust st louis italian is on point though
  8. when i finally went to a white castle it was a huge let down
  9. what do you guys think i should get to eat im kinda hungry :\
  10. how would i go about getting a rivel tattoo????
  11. can someone see if IMO's will deliver out of state???
  12. also does anyone have a picture of that one where its like graffiti and theres some colors and its like letters???
  13. post some chode i aint seen before
  14. lol been checking on this thread a few years and it goes through the shittalk/promisetopaint/moretoyflicks cycle pretty often
  15. im gonna stop writing and sell shirts about graffiti
  16. well i might have some ironlak my mom got paid today ill update u
  17. im bout to be in STL does anyone want to meet up but not paint were just gonna talk about graffiti and im gonna wear my tribal gear shirt
  18. outta towners gonna restart it :D
  19. i got it all over my legs and a lil on my hands lol
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