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Everything posted by Kalashnikov

  1. ARKK, ICLN, THCB made me some $$ today! Looking for my next move. Almost thinking of buying a call for maybe ~6 months out on one of the ARK funds. Seems like easy money unless the market takes a dive.
  2. The whole "stopping power" argument is usually some fudd shit. 9mm does the job just fine. It's a slow round on top of that "Hand cannon" to me is a 10mm, Glock 20, Glock 29, etc. Have been debating getting a Sig P320, but I also have only pistols so maybe time to try out something different.
  3. And if we want to play the blame game... 1. Yes, it's China's fault. It's their fault for not having proper sanitation, it's the CCP's fault for trying to cover this shit up for weeks at first just to save face, etc. 2. After China's fault, it's Trump's fault. We had a shitload of advance warning that this was coming. Mr. "close the borders" cut off travel way too late, then pats himself on the back for doing a good job. He knew it was extremely contagious, he got caught on tape saying he didn't want Americans to panic so he was just gonna ride it out, essentially. Failure of leadership all around. 3. It's the general American public's fault for not giving a fuck enough about working together to defeat this. ...but playing the blame game gets us nowhere. It's too late for that. We just have to deal with the fallout and get out of this shit as quickly and as smoothly as possible. All of the right wingers that are so anti-mask because "MUH RIGHTZ", think about it this way. What if Trump would have came out at the beginning and said, "China is trying to destroy America. They're trying to destroy our freedom to move around, they're trying to destroy our economy with this virus. Wear a mask so that we can defeat this virus and let China know that they aren't going to destroy America that easy, we're more resilient than that." They would be masked up so damn fast.
  4. It's your right to not get a vaccine, nobody is disputing that. But you have to admit that the China "not getting over wearing masks" is comparing apples and bowling balls. Chinese and Asian culture in general wore masks in public far before this. If you walked around cities like Beijing, HK, or even Chinatown in NYC, say 2 years ago, you'd see Asian people wearing masks. This whole coronavirus thing just solidifies that part of the culture even more. American culture isn't the same way. Perhaps this has forever changed it, but it seems that people are in quite the hurry to get back to normal American life. Even with more cases now than before, people are going out and doing things like normal. We'll bounce back from this, and the quicker we all just suck it up and take the L, wear the damn mask, keep distance when possible, stay home when possible... the quicker everything gets back to the way it was. Just my 2 cents.
  5. I did watch a part of the video, about half, but I just couldn't continue. Way too fucking cringe. We get it bro, you and your gay ginger hair are SuPeR aLpHa MaLe because "I cAn ThInK fOr MySeLf, yOu ArE aLl ShEeP"... no real arguments with any facts at all.
  6. Also I find it really hard to take someone that looks like Spitfire seriously.
  7. So we know that masks don't stop the spread of COVID, but they help. N95s help a lot more than surgical masks. We should just all not wear masks because... why? Is saying "please put a piece of cloth over your face to reduce the spread of a disease that kills vulnerable people" too much to ask? Help me understand this point of view, because from where I'm sitting it seems absolutely ridiculous. This will die down in little while, maybe a year, maybe two, and we can get back to normal, no masks, go and do what you want, not have to avoid crowds, etc. Should we not try to get to that point quicker by asking that everyone help out, rather than drag this out because some people feel their rights are being violated by being told to mask up? It's not about fear, it's about getting. the. fuck. past. this. as a group, because that's the only way it'll get done. United we stand, divided we fall. And we're pretty damn divided right now. The "my body, my choice!" republicans that I have heard about sure as hell aren't pro-choice, so that argument kind of falls apart.
  8. ABNB has potential but I am not about to pay what they want for a share right now. I'll let it level out for a while. DASH is ridiculous. I can't believe people would pay like $150 for a share of that bullshit company. Sold my PFE and MRNA, I feel the vaccine run is over. STONKS ONLY GO UP
  9. Kalashnikov


    Congrats ralphy, proud of you and appreciate your inspiration. Still struggling here to get past the, "Fuck this, I'm pissed, I need a drink" feeling. I was sober pretty much all October, drank in November. I had the week of Thanksgiving off, drank every day. My side/liver/kidneys were really hurting by the end. Something is wrong with that part of my body when I drink. I'm gonna go get labs done and see what's up, I've had high AST/ALT in the past. The problem becomes when I drink one day, it's just too easy to keep going the next day, and the day after. Interviewed for a job that would've been a significant move up, they kept me on suspense by scheduling an "interview feedback" meeting a week out. Didn't get it, they told me that they spent all week debating between me and one other guy and they couldn't make a choice. That day, I drank. I was pissed, trying to figure out what I missed. That was 12/1. Haven't had anything since. My side pain is just starting to go away these past few days. Not giving up on this. Here's to trying again. It's almost like I learned nothing from getting clean off heroin.
  10. Real estate, for me personally I feel would require me moving. My girl and I could probably swing a down payment on something here right now, but home prices (and rent) vs. what wages pay here is a very large gap. I believe average home price is something like $450k here, $300k won't get you anything that nice. Shit, I'm paying $2k a month for a 630 sq. ft. 1 bedroom apartment. We have been tossing up the idea of leaving here (Miami) when she finishes school anyways. Contenders are Denver, Atlanta, Chicago. I think my personal order would be Chicago > Denver > Atlanta, the only thing I really like about Atlanta is the fact that it wouldn't be as much of a "climate shock" coming from here.
  11. If you have a desk job where you can sit and watch it all day then take your profits when it's time, it's not bad. It is gambling though, there's no other word for it really. You just can't get greedy with the, "What if it goes up more?!" game. I'm not making a ridiculous amount of money like some of the retards on WSB (also not losing a ridiculous amount of money like them either, so there's that). But if you make the right play and sell off at market jump the next morning (or when you feel it's right), it's not hard to make a little money. Even if you do it once or twice a week, it helps. I figured I missed the PLTR bandwagon but I saw it going up Monday morning significantly so I bought just 2 calls slightly out of the money. Sold them not long after when they were in the money, netted a few hundred bucks. For not having to do anything except swipe up twice, I can't complain.
  12. Word, I've been in ICLN since about $19.90. Making a slow, and steady profit, so I'm happy with it, but that's my only ETF. The 1 year is +111%, fuck me. It's already pushing $70, probably missed the train on this one. With that said, is anybody else in this thread into gambl...investing? Any options traders?
  13. Kalashnikov


    Lol @nicklesndimesand @SMdoubleXL, in regards to the fake friendships. Sometimes I will social media stalk old "using buddies"... bruh. It's amazing how often I'm like, "Wow, this guy has shit for brains" or "Wow, we have NOTHING in common at all" But yet back when I was getting high these people seemed like my good friends. All we had in common was doing dope.
  14. Kalashnikov


    Congratulations SM! 3 years is huge. It only gets easier. Last time I touched dope was Christmas 2015. I rarely think about it anymore. I also dwell sometimes on the years of my life wasted on that shit. I feel like I'm 7 years behind everyone else, in terms of "life development."
  15. Kalashnikov


    I think the same honestly. It's harder for smart people to just ...exist. There's no ability to just be stagnant, something always has to be going on, mentally or physically. Alcohol and drugs help people like that relax. Smarter people also have a tendency to always try to fix their own problems, as they are better critical thinkers. Sometimes asking for help feels like weakness or even stupidity, as unjustified as that feeling might be. Just my take.
  16. Kalashnikov


    Drinking and drugs are always easier until they're not. It's really up to you to decide when that point is. If you're not ready, that's all there is to it. But if you're starting to get health issues, I would stop now because it's only going to get harder. I talked to an old friend on Saturday. Heavy drinker and ex-drug user. He has Hepatitis C, and drinks heavy, has been drinking heavy for the past 5 years or so. He said he was going through about a 750 of vodka a night by himself. He has been getting treatment for HepC and has been seeing a hepatologist. They said he has stage 3 liver scarring, and that if he doesn't stop, he'll have cirrhosis in 5 years. He's 32. That scared me honestly. Livers are pretty good at healing themselves, but once you pass a certain point you're fucked.
  17. I know a handful of people that have had it. One friend of a friend of a friend idiot caught it twice, I don't know how this guy didn't die. He shoves alcohol and blow into his body like it's going out of style and had an issue with pissing blood before he caught it. Somehow he made it... twice. It's definitely real. We have turned this into a political game in the US instead of treating it like a virus that needs to be eradicated. We sit and go back and forth about how whether or not it's the government's job to take control and make people wear masks, close shit down, etc. So this is where we are now.; Honestly I'm tired of it all. I'm doing my part, only going out when absolutely needed, still buying food in bulk and cooking at home, etc. That's all you can do. I just wish these idiots that you see at the bar/club would do the same.
  18. Mind sharing what ETFs? I don't have anything in clean energy but was looking at it, seems like a safe enough bet. I bought some TWTR and SPOT today since they took a dive late last week. If Trump gets reelected I would expect TWTR to go back up.
  19. I'm legit getting mad about more 12ozers dying. Knock it the fuck off. RIP KIR :( Probably one of the few of us that could be dropped off 500 miles from anything and still thrive.
  20. Did you at least price out a white one? Don't fail us ralphy.
  21. Kalashnikov


    Yeah, forums have kinda died off. Pretty sure Facebook expanding and Instagram are mostly responsible for that. I have an Instagram but I don't use it, don't have Facebook. What are ya gonna do (insert Tony Soprano) I haven't had any alcohol since 10/4, the weekends are tough for cravings since that's my downtime. I've been trying to stay busy though. Housework, regular work, exercising. My girl has been super stressed lately with full time grad school and full time work, and somewhat taking it out on me which doesn't help. We'll see how this goes. I've noticed without my Friday - Sunday, what I guess would be a binge essentially, I don't have that pain in my liver area. I really do love waking up not hungover though and not just sitting and waiting until 10:30 or 11am Saturday/Sunday before having a beer. I feel like I'm actually getting shit done. Also down for a Zoom meeting one of these days.
  23. I love when I get one of these, which obviously isn't very often anymore. Reminds me of being a kid, especially this one that I always used to get at Christmas from good old grandma.
  24. I don't understand this. We have grants available already, you can get a bachelor's for a very reduced amount if you put the work in to apply for the grants. Just giving everyone free college is going to turn a bachelor's degree into the new high school diploma and it'll mean nothing. Am I missing something here?
  25. Kalashnikov


    Gonna double post here because fuck it. I spent a good part of last night reading almost this entire thread, I started around page 24 and went to about 105. This has been like a community diary of sobriety attempts with your occasional asshole remark by somebody who came in the wrong thread or just had something slick to say. I hadn't really taken the time to do that before. The thread was the most active like 2010-2013. Lots of posters in this thread are now gone... POZ, AWAP, Sword, Swamp. Ralphy been in here dropping knowledge since the beginning, IRON CHEF too. It's interesting when you really step back and look at how many of us are struggling with sobriety in one way or another. Lots of slip ups, which is to be expected of course. Extending love to the people who aren't around anymore (on the forum) and hope everyone is doing well and were able to overcome their demons.
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