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Everything posted by ingrindwecrust

  1. The tags for that youtube video are awesome. "Urban Blight" "Eyesore" "Visual Pollution" "Litter"
  2. Just fill up notebooks until you start to get better and don't try too hard. Also, don't rely on internet forums for help and stick to chill spots if you want to paint. It will save you some face-palming in the long run. And don't watch State Your Name for anything other than the comedic value.
  3. Bump the fuck out of everything fagritti posted and those doug characters.
  4. Whether they're garbage or not they still crush shit. Now people upstate are crushing shit pretty hard too, on a slightly smaller scale. That's all i was saying.
  5. Those are what's up. Upstate given them city heads a run for their money!
  6. Just benched this in Albany NY last night. Insane!
  7. Sorry about the quality of some of these.
  8. Nice catch with the lewy spot. Bump obese and acet.
  9. Last one isn't New York but whatever.
  10. There's been a VFR throw up in Albany for years. Also Perry TVOD from the 90's caught some shit around Albany.
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