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Everything posted by Hisherm

  1. Someone put the lineup of that other meeting taking place yesterday up the blvd.
  2. Clyde and ha. I forgot to add.....
  3. Amn youngbol meza died??? Anyway here was the line up yesterday at lemonhill meeting.... Espo, that's right I said Espo, notorious bik, maniac, beat artist, dare devil, take bsb, master prink, jay, daveski, sobad, talent, naterock, ads, jk, pero, razz, lazz, kazz, mkn, tr, Vern, snipe, carbine, bate, sank, credit, demo, faim, drama, prozak, bx, rx, kabar, rson,
  4. Boner on a bad night???
  5. bump Demo lol @ " I came, I saw, I killed.... shit"
  6. I don't know if it's me but sonmyd your pics aren't showing
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