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Everything posted by agrovaterMD

  1. the point was the guys were in a video. a legit piece of documentry... i'll take the typo on the jase woopsy. not often i see baltimore heads in videos bump that! and bump those rollers too! kinda funny seeing guaz with the smallest thing there? usually hes goin pretty fuckin big
  2. saw some baltimore heads in a Graff vid over the week end. think it was called we ride trains 2 or something.. anyways had lewis, jace, soviet, and what i though was an erge. anyways bump the video
  3. i totally noticed that the other night on TV as well hahah nice!
  4. saw a bunch of mask brh tags up in PA over the week end. nice work dude!
  5. that wall is fuckin sick as shit.
  6. verbal ass whoopin?... havent seen no one but arab drips n suan in the past week... where you playin at?
  7. chick wit a dick. HEADS UP!
  8. vose and mode off the fuckin chain.
  9. digging that tarzan sweep spot.
  10. yall failing to see the point. i didnt want drips to post my shit in the first place. 1 because i dont wish to be an internet super star. 2 because i was proud if that shit myself... anyone that knows me would know better. so stop pretending like we've met. thats all i gatta say on the matter. oh yeah and an FYI krylon is bringin back there old hardpressure cans. keep an eye on that shit. me n drips seen em at this truevalue...
  11. first off i'm not a very tall individual. secound off who the fuck are you to critisize my zombie guy? a countless zombie horde all over baltimore probably more characters running then most people have straight letters... so shut the fuck up. hate all you want i put that mother fucker up everywhere!
  12. that 3d sketch you were trying to show me looks better here them on my phone anyday. dope
  13. drips when i sead dont post the wack fliks that ment mine aswell! hahahah
  14. hahah fuck that face... painting after being awake for 48 hours... you get one of those. terrible looking with a jacked up lookin nose!
  15. gauz got a wicked throw.
  16. in color as wall strip on last page drips
  17. heard he broke em running... yea i met him at the ryke show he was a cool guy, hope he recoops fast
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