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Everything posted by kersthegov.

  1. these toys need to leave the reefers alone...
  2. http://www.flickr.com/photos/kersthegov/ check the new ishhh
  3. that cp is sick. where can i find one?
  4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/kersthegov/ no flicks were stolen to produce this flickr.
  5. ^^^ because they white gets too dirty. i also heard rumors that they might turn back to orange, but ya never know
  6. i respect revok but im not a fan, but thts something i like ^^^ lol
  7. where can i find ho scale armn or solid cold?
  8. the art of storytellingggggggg ^^^^
  9. tht gas mask photo is fuckin tight ^^^ lol
  10. stolen from NYC thread dnt remember how to post so peep it
  11. deer tick http://music.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=music.artistalbums&artistid=11028099&albumid=10553279 the black keys
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