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Everything posted by GLEN BENTON

  1. First, I don't use chalk, thats what dollar paint is for, but I understand why someone would use it. Second, quite a few writers that everyone here dickrides definitely use some of those methods, mostly for backgrounds and patterns, but it's not like it doesn't happen. Third, none of those techniques are "street spot" accepted, doing that shit on anything else than high paying legal walls, or production walls in yards, is pretty bammer.
  2. 1 do what u want and fuck what people think. 2 I'd say everything is ok, besides heavy use of stencils, that's more of a "street art" type of thing 3 many writers use blue tape for their backgrounds (jurne, ensoe, sueme) 4 many writers do their first outlines with chalk 5 all elements are fine unless you use them as a crutch. If you can't already do a straight clean line, then using tape won't help, it will just be obvious that's what you did. I'd say they're things that should be used after someone has figured out can control. That's my two cents.
  3. That's rough, ^^^, I would smash the before, not after, she's almost as foul as coco now!
  4. I'm not a grumpy Gus so I thought this shit was hilarious and thourghly enjoyed it.
  5. Does that thing make a gang of cash for looking like a transvestite?
  6. Wow! That fuckin' stori! Good use of the spot, that wall is big.
  7. Bump that old hand of mine creeping above them normses'.
  8. Bump sway painting without outlines and not biting omens while doing it. Srrrrsly, every time I've seen someone attempt that, it comes off like omens more often then not. Quite honestly that's why I haven't messed with it, y'all know enough, them haters got magnifying glasses out, trying to find something to whine about.
  9. Oh wow I remember that... Shits getting hella grilled out here...
  10. The power of red pepper flakes, honey, and lemon? No more yogurt, bananas and granola??? Disreguard health food, aquire water poops. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. Cool job of ruining the thread guys. For the millionth time, can we please get some fucking moderation Here??????
  12. Some one post that dude three, I think he fits here.
  13. I wish ozzy was my dad... That shit is real nice and big. Bump lushy. And throwups in the sun shine.
  14. Hahahahahahha yeah that's about right. When i had long hair I was often told I strongly resemble jack black.
  15. Cart monkey!!!! I've missed your golden commentary, welcome back, bro, to the finest of kush threads.
  16. Bump Pak, unbump people flapping their lips when they have no idea what they're talking about. 1. It looks nothing like pier 2. I can guarantee you that pack does not know who pier is, or seen his graffiti. 3. Pak is a bomber, much like the rest of detroit, freights take a back seat except to a few guys, who usually don't like to blab much about it, you know, like making a member name that implies that they paint alot of trains? 4. Hush them lips, either way, don't you have some other thread to pipe hot air in?
  17. What the hell? There's good graffiti on this page??? Shocking for this thread.
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