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Everything posted by makineasykills

  1. This has turned into the which fat chick would you have regrettable sex with. Post up some non fat questionables please...we all know that a good amount of the dudes in here would bang a fat chick as long as she has a cute face or some big milk swingers. Lets move past em and turn this into the "which crackwhore, redneck prostitute, jalibait, plain jane, funny looking, bull dyke, musclebound barbra streisand lookin hoe would you bang." I'll post pics later for the rant.
  2. Those girls don't look questionable at all...i would smash all of em without thinking twice. I'd say you're still doing it wrong. Maybe the girl in the middle is a little on the ehhh side but she's not bad at all.
  3. Unless those girls have dicks we dont know about you're doing it wr0ng! Smash dem feets.
  4. Hmmm...Jive, Jick or both not sure yet.::scowl:
  5. I'm gonna have to call it how i see it...sha looks waay too much like shame and judging by the undeveloped tags I'm gonna guess that's where he took that letter style from. I usually keep my mouth shut about these things but its painfully obvious.
  6. Gonna have to agree...looks like a kes joint. Him and Eaz have a similar brand of wildstyle but you can tell them apart no problem.
  7. In the first pic she's dressed like martha stewart and i was thinking ehhh...maybe a trash but then the second pic had her top off and instantly changed my mind. I think most of the girls that get posted with nakes or half naked pics stand a waaaay better chance of the smash then not. Kinda makes it unfair. Smash. Rinse. Repeat.
  8. Hmmm both have elements i like and dislike....this is gonna be a close call.
  9. I said smash from the jump. I love bjs and she seemed to enjoy givin em...my kinda gal.
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