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Everything posted by makineasykills

  1. What does the tag on the bottom say? Can 2 or something like that? I cant make it out...
  2. I've been painting woman for a few years now but i don't really ever paint photo realism...mostly comic book style is more genre.
  3. lol...so many people have told me they plan on stealing as soon as i hang it up. Bunch of assholes!
  4. Thats the plan...just gotta get off my lazy ass and go do it.
  5. Thanks fellas. I took the cutout girl home with me but I might go nail it up somewhere secret. ;)
  6. Painted this on a piece of paint peeled off of a legal spot i have. About 60-80 layers of paint on this and its about 1/8 inch thick. Mounted to board and framed.
  7. Few new canvas's. Hurricane keepin me in n shit. Pm me if anyone is interested.
  8. Some more pics from Jersey Fresh jam. http://www.loendtheory.com/JerseyFresh.html
  9. Didn't catch the guys name but the character looks a little too close for comfort after seeing that ekose.
  10. Jersey fresh shots...still waiting on a few pics but here's some of what went down.
  11. Another Case2 from the 2008 Jersey Fresh Jam. [/img]
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