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Sleeper Cell

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Everything posted by Sleeper Cell

  1. and even with that it still looked a lot better than your red throw.....stop going to fucking wall spots doing throws...nobody gives a fuck and you just get gone over.
  2. fuck you samsung! YOU HEAR ME!
  3. literally? some sort of sex offender arent you.
  4. http://madclout.com/ some video from iceland.
  5. bump the retarded boxing gloves and those cedar C's
  6. in order to save the city money, the buff squad has recently begun filling in the gaps with some prostitution stings.
  7. and then drink a bottle of bleach for getting a NIN tattoo.....
  8. and paints cleaner than just about anyone here.
  9. quality over quantity....
  10. I hate when people misuse the word "there" and say hella....scroll back i dunno a page? 2 pages?
  11. haha you havent killed yourself yet? THE FUCK!?~
  12. Good luck explaining to your kids that you are an illiterate adult.
  13. bump that dume and ceda.......sickkkkkkk
  14. are you talking in the 3rd person.....you're like the pro wrestling of 12oz now....
  15. ergerrrrrrrrrr........amerrrrrrrrrrrr.....
  16. nothing cooler than throwups under bridges that nobody will see then taking flicks while the paint is still wet.
  17. bump those cedar c's.
  18. nasty and the erge...
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