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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. word. idk if they can smoke in space because of the need to not waste oxygen & shit but hopefully. maybe some astronauts just bring brownies
  2. false tpbm thinks gold chrome is corny as fuck
  3. cherry cheese strudels out the oven sounds good about now
  4. flicks in this thread now like word split pea, lentil, & chicken soup
  5. tis for the personal compewter. was kind of stoked to hear about diablo 3, though. which class you playing? been wanting a console again -may or may not be able to acquire a new ps3 at half price.. only reason im holding back is still having to waste money on something thats just gonna encourage me to sit inside all day.. because real talk, games like cod are no fun at all if you suck & one can only get better with practice, so theres that good chance i wont even buy it but will definitely add you if i do
  6. just look at that dudes face for a few seconds & see if you cant crack a smile at his wackness watch the fugue tht one if you will, twas proper
  7. naboo b giving away medals like theyre kinder surprise toys wed probably keep jar jars big ol head so we can put an apple in his mouth. let him try talking after that
  8. http://www.alternet.org/story/52526/rural_communities_exploited_by_nestle_for_your_bottled_water http://www.forbes.com/sites/nadiaarumugam/2012/10/19/nestle-sued-again-for-falsely-representing-bottled-tap-water-as-naturally-spring-sourced/ http://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2015/02/24/Nestle-Pays-Nothing-to-Bottle-Water/ http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/companies-extracting-b-c-groundwater-for-free-1.1366337
  9. in the middle of acquiring diablo ii but its taking forever -its 5 kb/sec if you dont pay these fucks.. shit might as well be going backwards
  10. mass, may or may not have added you on that game. sorry it took so long but i havent had much time to play
  11. MedicineCabinet


    supreme is the dumbest shit ever. its no surprise sex & dumbass hype beast ads sell to retards, but cmon people.. even their logo sucks
  12. liquified essence of tomatoes b a staple in our diets. for those who indulge
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