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Posts posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. np. hitting your shins is the worst, used to happen all the time during skating


    similar life - there was this one kid who was in the bboy club at my hs (a "cool" school club for dancer kids who want to emulate the jockstrapwockeez for some reason). guess he broke his neck doing a swan freeze or whatever one day, because he had this big ol neck brace/cast thing on for a long while. have never spoken a word to him & didnt have anything against him in person, but he looked funny as fuck

  2. condolences


    grade four -was jumping around, being retarded in my room & fell on the side of this shitty plastic garbage bin against my neck.. said plastic shattered & ye olde neck was cut. not like game of thrones, profusely/jugular bad, but twas definitely bleeding. should have a scar there but it healed nicely over the years & disappeared, fortunately (& vainly). remember my teacher who had a black eye for a min & told us she fell? she was definitely inquisitive about it (in the concerned way), all hush-hush & asking me if everything was ok at home. good lady

  3. have said this before, but only ever had asparagus once. apparently ate a fair amount of it, because my piss stank


    thanks...i would mail you some fried asparagus in exchange for you to mail me some poutine...but i dont think either would be that good when it arrived...lol.

    lol yeah. poutines mad basic, though. just gravy + cheese curds if you dont want to add bells & whistles to it. not to tempt you, with the heart & all

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