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steady trippin

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Posts posted by steady trippin

  1. how u gonna compare ditches to trains like they the same?


    i didn't say they were the same, and im not saying they are

    they're two completely different situations, and i respect writers who paint in both


    i expect to see more elaborate pieces in a ditch

    and i wouldn't be suprised to see someone get capped on a train


    it's when toys run around ditches doin nothing but catchin a fast one and puttin their little sharpie hands over bigger writers.


    and to say graffiti isn't for etk

    go fuck yourself.

    you sound like a top notch hating bitch cause guys younger than you put in more work

  2. question is...what can YOU do?let me straighten this shit out.i love bombin ditches like many

    other writers.the same way ny pioneers loved the layups and tunnels.care to diss them

    about that?the artform did'nt start the day you picked up a can.so,fuck your expectations!

    whether it's in ditches or the streets,it's still bombin.i'm aware that nothing is going to stop you from running your mouth.you fucks are a dime a dozen.we should meet up.


    haha i like this cat

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