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armand hammer

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Everything posted by armand hammer

  1. I saw a phil of the future one of those, faggots.
  2. Has any one ever asked one of those females why? I genuinely need to know.
  3. Every day. I now get paid to oontz and laugh with/negroes.
  4. Expected more. Didn't a Japanese guy actually make shit disappear? Americas got bigger things to worry about than soldiers who can't be "invisible" with out billion dollar equipment. LOL your country's falling apart.
  5. If memory serves none of those were used in inception if that's what your referring to, so no it's not the props room even if it was that's a ridiculous set up and doesn't look like the any prop/replica room I've seen. In all likely hood they are either photoshopped or airsoft replicas, there's no way dude could get away with owning half of those. Unless he's pappy is yakuza which would explain everything.
  6. Lard make a thread and update daily/as much as you can. I love you little Mexican drug baby.
  7. I constantly talk about my hate for people and always make sure they know but for some reason people seem to enjoy it.
  8. It's this bulhit auto correct shit on my iPod I only just noticed, this thing comes up with words I've never even heard of. But the lesbian tard commander said she will grab me a decent laptop from the zoo she works in.
  9. I remember we used to take the mud from our bike wheels and wait at this huge roundabout for cars to stop and pelt them full of mud, anyway I saw this big ork troll looking White van driving gypo the one day with his window half open and as he pulled off I threw the most perfect projectile mud ball ever created straight through the window into his bald gypsy head, he rammed the cunt infrint if him all the cars stopped he got out looking like some Asian chick had shat on his face and started screaming at us. The guy in the car he rammed got out and the two started beating the shit out of each other and we just stood there crying wig laughter. Fucking scum area.
  10. The nonsense thread is always open in a tab I don't think I've not been viewing it for at least 6 months.
  11. I've been sleeping with a 28 year old married lesbian who teaches disabled children, I'm the victim of a terrible adult.
  12. Saw this on the news this morning lolled at the size of his guns and hoped for it to get interesting, ah well it's 2012 I'm sure a lot of gun wielding nuts are about to snap.
  13. In the Internet, also it's weird how much the entire idea behind assassins creeds story is so believable to me right now with the idea of intelligent life creating us as a docile work force yet ultimately losing control due to war and natural disasters, anyway its nonsense that due to excessively eating my face on Saturday I can't sleep because the inside of my mouth is fucked.
  14. I just read all of that and have no fucking idea what happened.
  15. Went to bumfuck nowhere to a 12 hour festival in the woods got free drugs had sex in the forest did more drugs and laughed at people having siezures and falling in mud, enjoyed my night had more sex and staggered home in a daze of skunk and covered in mud and girl goo. Couldn't have asked for a better experience to end and start this bullshit with.
  16. Trying to get tickets to this 12 hour Mandy festival in London.
  17. 39 consecutive life sentences ... Yes it is worth it.
  18. Yes they are exept for 8th diagram.
  19. All of their information is right there, I feel obligated to murder each one in a gruesome and unique fashion, as well as viciously raping some of the females.
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