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Everything posted by break_legs_ribs_100_bills

  1. yo yo on the real i can understand what you say about jada being boring if u lisgen to his beats, i cant front he has terrible beat selections but lyrically? hes top 5 man i know thats a long arguement but lyrically hes onpoint without going off the deep end on some bullshit. i can careless about rick ross personal life his album was dope minus the foxy brown track and minus the trina track. jay-z washed up? i can obviously see you didn really break down the american gangster album cause that album was a classic to me no questions asked. my thing too and many migh argue this. is eminem that great? i mean really though? off his 1st album can u really vibe to it the same as when u heard it in that time frame? can u really pop to "hi my name is?" or another example "say i am" or "bonnie & clyde" like they were good songs at the time they dropped, but for example you can lisgten to jay-z "d'evils" "ummm "politics as usual" "big pimping " (<---when your drunk) you can bump any of jay-z classics in 2009 and still be hype. like at the time mc hammer made "2 legit to quit" but can you play it in 2009?
  2. eminem 3am video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMrBcVx33Ek ^ hes not really saying shit really, its like the video is what keeps you interested really the lyrics dont kill you, its like your waiting for him to really go in.... not really feeling it. its not wack but as i said before hes not really saying anything
  3. you peep this stupid bitch!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNyHeshECb4 says she fell asleep and homeboy did his own thing on her face she wanna press charges now lol!!!!
  4. no its acutally a letter z seez then he also does seer and see........ enough said
  5. i think the video is gonna be pretty wack but thats just me
  6. yea but the majority of my post i post like 5-9 pics each post. not 1 post 1 pic yah dig??? its all good no dis just saying we can chat instead of rotating the same pics over and over. especially if its constructive convo and not "yo you pussy blah blah blah i seen u here and you ran braaat braaat do something"
  7. ^i gets my artsy on tooo yah dig!!! ^sneaky lil phame in the l-line ditch tag has been there since 2000 where has the time gone
  8. you got 30 post since 2008....... enough said. yo factory i heard its like a dark album, he on some killer shit. only thing i heard was crack a botle, which is the commercial bullshit, the song he got with the polar bears and sarah palin in he video, and 3am which wasnt a great song what so ever.... ^king of racking ^my nigga street figher 2 bombing hard look out on the streets he coming!!!!
  9. honestly i think wha he meant was it was a fl;op as in album, meaning i asked how was the album he said its a flop.... not meaning units wasnt moved you know. EM was highly anticipated so i dontthink sales was really gonna be the issue. the issue was really what more can he say to keep his fans coming back for more yah dig? but i heard alota mixed views on the album
  10. hommie i agree but convo about music and grafdf and bitches is coo. but when niggas name drop or pics of people or like over posting of the same pic is understandable.... i mean i aint no mod i feel what you doing but God dam hommie your strict meng! let us pop our shit that the nature of this game. snitching? that can def be eliminated. thanx man. good night and God bless.
  11. lets not forget "uda uda the best, uda uda the best, and it mixes right into i wish i could every girl inthe world...... sigh.... thanx steve jobs for making ipods so i dont have to switch out cd's from my disc man or flip over mixtapes i recorded from stretch and bobito.... shits gay, how the Jada album? any reviews on that???? anyone feeling the Rick ross album? 9please no 50 cent bias)
  12. even better send the myspace facebook whatever over!
  13. oh shit i peeped the roots in oralando live in 2004 phrenology album they went in!!black thought is super underated... i mean i been listening to hiphop my whole life when i see hiphop in the 90's i dont consider that old school really.but then again the 90's was prob the greatest era thust far in my life span, music, talent, style, graff....etc.. im sorry if im not surin and swaggin
  14. ^lol we all men in here fuck it post more my nigga, shit gonna get deleted anyway to make room fir more toy ass shit
  15. dam gusto ruthie kinda cute how old is she there? 8 in the 1st pic then like 15 in the older one? so technically shes like 22 in the heights lol.
  16. nah i true to my hip-hop that i grew up with. tribecalledquest all day, de la and such. but its almost cliché to say u listen to hip-hop and name those groups... but i also dont wanna be that old dude talking about "this isnt real hip-hop, back in my day fife dog blah blah blah" you know... if you dont evolve you stuck with the same mentality.... so cast a wide net with the music i listen to because in essense all music is connected one way or another or inspires the other. so when i say i like daft punk you know the obvious connection to kanye then kanye to someone like jay or older like curtis mayfield from which he's sampled from you know? this will get deleted but fuck it while its still up at least we can have some sorta constructive convo....
  17. hahaha i hear you. shits just fucked up..... either that or listen "i surf i swag!!!" ^ this is hiphop 2009 this is sad.
  18. pretty much...... they would prefer toy pics rather then reasonable convo
  19. Yea i agree i do miss the 2nd album most of all, dunno i been hear mad mixed opinions on the Em album. im waiting on the Jay joint hopefully it wont be no happy slappy jump around shit with no features on it. i like the american gangster album, hopefully a new Ghostface album is in the works. honestly hip-hop in 2009 is dissappointing. wish it were 1999. graff was better, so was hip-hop..... bout to start bumping my daft punk shit again..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGECJP3phyY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgtBlnOX6VA ^classic
  20. honestly only song i keep in my iphone from "hell hath no fury" is last song, "im having nightmares" real talk.
  21. i cast a wide net big hommie, i listen to everything except gay ass reggaeton and reggae itself. peep the classic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aIhh9nFYv4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo135x0oXo8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LudYvaWWG-w ^fav sabbath song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akt3awj_Ah8 ^ i lied this is my fave black sabbath song Tony Iommi is the shit what kinda music did you take me for mr. Factory?
  22. new clipse tracks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6skS8N5E5Y ^ kinda a big deal ^im good i like im good better, hopefully they wont flop like the 2nd album. waiting on that blueprint 3.... anyone got any say on the new eminem album? cop or flop??
  23. listen man i give it maaaad props seriously it was a great spot they got over yadda yadda yadda. but you guys posted the same pic like 8 times in 2-3 pages. there is more graff in this city. but once again a dope spot but msk crew..... and a dope "get over"
  24. i still have that new york new york magazine. shit was ill when i 1swt read it. made me wanna rack and paint.... those were the good old back packer village days. nowadays everyone wearing gay tight pants and hanging them. str8 HOMO!!!
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