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Everything posted by break_legs_ribs_100_bills

  1. so yo fams, if i dont take the train and all you do is etch how im suppose to know who you even are?.... nigga you wild pussy.. go take a seat again your 900 seconds is up...
  2. word to me i cant believe niggas on here is this slow in the head.. some of these niggas is dumber then a back of bricks....
  3. thisistheco.com thisistheco.com thisistheco.com thisistheco.com thisistheco.com thisistheco.com thisistheco.com thisistheco.com thisistheco.com thisistheco.com thisistheco.com thisistheco.com lemme know what yah think... free music
  4. are you associated with the clothing or the site?
  5. Good looks man...... good idea don't nerd to get arrested...... Wait? How do you know what vs said??? ..... UH OHHHHH ... My bad porky .....:five-o: :five-o: :five-o:
  6. This nigga posted like 10 dek tpa pics... Post more... Post dek 5 also... And deck wgf also.... Your lame... Dude, your googling mad pics just to prove that you pussy and can't say who you are? Lol...
  7. Now I'm food.... Iiight kid... Post more pics.... Your just steady proving how much of a jock you are and pussy for not saying your name....
  8. No sleep list... You just exposed yourself grandpa... It's all good... And please for god sakes some mentioning dicks... Last quote you said dick a few times... I'm good God, you must be based up with all them homo thoughts.... "bowl of dicks"? "aids dick? That's your best insult? You was toy back in the days and yor still toy, and I'll smack all them outlines out with 1 can.... Slow down pops I don't think your gout can keep up..... It's cool, you wanna look cool for the young niggas problem is your fucking toy....... Your not worth my time or my insults...
  9. You il ass stupid or what? P-noid yea you a bear belly old ass. Nigga you straight pussy lord... If vs wanted you they could hack your IP which 12oz has its called secret indictment ... But then again bak in your days aol CDs were popping.... Probably got outlines running on a few trucks and you feeling yourself like you all city... Your sad fam, easy god
  10. no name niggas, no fame niggas... you probably that bum nigga from the 7-line right? yea we heard about wifey b, its gravy ...
  11. Oh ok.... I see "Cincinatti" pt2. Got pussy boy... Too shook to name yourself but wanna point and call everyone toy.... That's cool tough enjoy blogger boy.
  12. Aka you a ok pussy nigga too scared to mention his name cause you got a couple scrappy things floating around and you don't want them dissed right? Or a young pussy whose a career blogger on 12oz... And stop name dropping unless its your name... Quit skinning niggas down ..... Pussy
  13. Niggas is straight buns... Sitting here at 2:20pm postin like 30 pics on the Internet... Nigga u don't got a job? School pussy to get? U sitting in front of a computer monitor posting pics? You fucking dirty ass booger bummy niggas still living at home ass niggas man... Go was your dishes and make up your bed before your step pops spank your broke ass.... Tired of yah bum niggas... No talented, no ups, no skills, just sit here criticing people shit but you got ZERO ups. And if you a has been then remain there yah bum ass nigga...
  14. Yep that's right.... That's old school dek tpa.. That's fine growing up I didn't frequent bushwick so I didnt see his car pass thru and Im not from the train era so Growing up I thought I was the only one like a young rookie and toy. I've met several dudes whose part of the same crew, dudes that's painted with him and dudes that looked up to him. After thy I don't owe none of yah no convo or explaination. But seems like yah more like dick writers to me... So let's sart from the beginning what do you write? Or more e-thugs? Mom left for the day you can jump on the comp all day... That's cool. So state your name gangsta
  15. BUMP!!! Dope photo shoot... Def a great day on the Brooklyn bridge
  16. This nigga said this website is suppose to be. "grimy" I'm done..... This some real gangsta shit man... You got it hommie you the #1 e-thug man.... You sound like you. 17 though are u allowed on this site yet? Oh wait mommy went to be early you can come on here and goon it up......
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