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Everything posted by ipod90

  1. dam... he has changed heaps since 02 i hope he's doin ok, Anybody got info on what happined?
  2. dude bombs thats it, seems like all ny is nowdays is throwys and tags, gets a bit boring after a while when everyones doing the same played out letters and chrome fills with black outlines, for those hating on msk, At least msk fuckin kills everything, they are a true graff crew. they can do everything burners, sick tags, throwys, productions, traveling the world, shit i dont see ja or any xtc.ykk crew killing anywhere but the states. im not hating on ja or xtc.ykk im just stating that there not upto par to battle msk.
  3. fuckin phor man.. i need to get hold of that dude. anyone wif any details please give us a pm. shits pretty important. cheers
  4. anyone no what year this was done?
  5. fuck yeah dan... keep up the good work man
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